‘ON-LINE APPLICATIONS (Computerized)’ are invited for the Combined Competitive Examination indicating the Service in order of preference for the recruitment ot the Tripura Civil Service Grade-II &Tripura Police Service Grade-II. The necessary particulars are given below:-
2. Vacancies (all permanent) to be filled up:-
Sl. No. Name of Post. S.T. S.C. Others. Total
1. T.C.S. Grade-II 06 03 11 20
2. T.P.S. Grade-II 05 04 16 25
The number of vacancies to be filled up may increase or decrease.
The ST/SC Candidates of other States (not recognized by the Govt. of Tripura) should apply for unreserved vacancy as general candidate along with recruitment fee prescribed for general candidates.
3. Scale of pay: Pay Band-4, Rs.13, 575 – 37,000/-, Grade Pay Rs.3700/-
(Group- A, Gazetted).
4. Eligibility Conditions:
(a) Citizen of India.
(b) Educational Qualifications: Must hold Degree of a recognized University.
(c) Age: – Not less than 21 years and not more than 37 (thirty seven) years of age on the first day of the month in which applications are invited. i.e. as on 1st May, 2010 .It is relaxable by 5(five) years in case of ST/SC/PH candidates & Government Servants provided that the Govt. Servants belonging to ST, SC & PH categories shall not get this relaxation over and above the general relaxation of 5 years available to them. The date of birth should be written in Christian era as recorded in Admit Card of Madhyamik/ School leaving Certificate Examination.
(d) Physical Fitness & Medical Examination: A candidate must be in a good mental and bodily health and free from any physical defect likely to interfere with the discharge of his/her duties as an officer of the service. A candidate who after such medical Examination as the Government or the Appointing Authority as the case may be, may prescribe is found not to satisfy these requirements, will not be appointed. Any candidate called for the personality Test by the Commission may be required to undergo the Medical Examination.
(5) How to apply:
(a) Recruitment Fee Deposit:
Category Rate Mode of Payment in favour of the Secretary,
Tripura Public Service Commission, Agartala.
ST/SC/ / PH/ BPL Card Holders Rs.40/-
(Rs. forty) only
Others Rs.150/- (Rs. One hundred fifty) only
(i) In the State : In any of the total 111 Nos. of branches / Extension counters of Tripura Gramin Bank located at different Urban and Rural areas of the State through special deposit slip to the account No.14711 without any extra charge/commission from the candidates.
(ii) Outside the State: To the Account No.31110220136 of the State Bank of India (core banking branches). The Bankers charge/commission if required to be paid in addition.
(b) On-line log-in (TPSC Website): The applicants shall log-in to http://www.tpsc.gov.in and the particulars / Bio- data in the Web page are to be entered along with the scanned stamp/passport size photograph with full signature at the below/ right side of the photograph.
(C) Acknowledgement Receipt: After entering the required particulars along with scanned photograph and full signature of the candidate, click save and print out the ‘ON-LINE APPLICATION’ Generated Receipt.
On successful acceptance of ‘ON-LINE APPLICATION’ a Registration Number and a password will be generated and displayed.The Candidate may preserve both the Registration Number and a password for re-generation ‘On-line Application’ Receipt.
(d) In addition to the submission of ‘ON-LINE APPLICATION’ within the stipulated period, In-service candidates will have to submit ‘No Objection’ from the Appointing Authority along with copy of on-line application receipt before the Written Examination/Personality Test.
(6) Last (Closing) Date & Time: The last date of receiving ‘On-Line Application’ is 31-05-2010 (5.00 pm) Applications received after the closing date & hour will not be entertained. Incomplete application is liable to be summarily rejected.
Other important instructions.
a. Preference: A candidate should clearly indicate (select) the service of preference for which he/she wishes to be recruited. No subsequent request for change or alteration of preference shall be entertained. But the Commission reserves the right to select the candidate to any of the 2(two) services on consideration of fitness & number of vacancies available. Candidates should note that unless they indicate preference for service they may not be recommended for such service even if they may be otherwise eligible for the same on the result of examination.
b. No restriction shall be imposed on number of chances for appearing in the examination.
c. The applicants must be in possession of the prescribed minimum qualification(s) for the respective post(s) as on 31-05-2010 for submission of application as mentioned in the advertisement.
d. The candidates will be responsible for correctness of all particulars as furnished. In case of any subsequent detection of false or defective statement(s) or suppression of facts, even after selection / appointment, his/her Candidature will be summarily rejected.
e. If a candidate submits more than one “On-line Applications”, his/her latest application will be considered and previous applications will be automatically deleted.
f. The decision of the Commission as to the eligibility or otherwise of a candidate at any stage of the selection process shall be final.
g. The Combined Written Examination may be held in the month of November, 2010. The exact date, time, venue will be notified in News papers / other media/ TPSC website in due course and Provisional Call Letter will be issued to the eligible candidates to appear at the Written Competitive Examination. The candidates are to come along with 2(two) copies of his/her recent stamp/passport size photograph & Recruitment fee deposit slip (Bank receipt) for admission to the Examination Hall.
h. The Commission at its discretion may fix the minimum qualifying marks in any or all of the written papers and in the aggregate of the Combined Written Examination Result to restrict the numbers of candidates for Personality Test/Interview. If a candidate fails to secure qualifying marks in any paper, so fixed, the marks in that paper will not be considered in calculation of the aggregate.
i. The candidates qualified for Personality Test/Interview after declaration of the Written Examination result will have to submit the self-attested copies of certificates/documents etc. in support of his Nationality, Category, Age, Educational Qualification and the copy of ‘On-Line application Receipt’ with full signature within the date specified by the Commission. The original copies of the same are also to be brought at the time of Personality Test.
j. In no case, a candidate will be considered for Personality Test unless he/she appears in all the papers of the written examination. If a candidate remains absent in the interview, his/her candidature will not be considered for final selection.
k. The final selection will be made in order of merit on the basis of the marks obtained by a candidate in written examination, in aggregate, adding the marks obtained in the Personality Test.
l. No TA/DA for the candidates will be borne by the Commission. m. Canvassing in any form at any stage will disqualify a candidate.
Click Here To Application Forms
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