Roll Order List of Successful Candidates
000001 – 010000
030001 – 080000
010001 – 030000
080001 – 150000
150001 – End
Based on the results of the written part of Civil Services (Main) Examination, 2009 held by the Union Public Service Commission in October-November, 2009 and the interviews for Personality Test held in March-April, 2010, the following is the list, in order of merit, of candidates who have been recommended for appointment to the : -
[i] Indian Administrative Service;
[ii] Indian Foreign Service;
[iii] Indian Police Service; and
[iv] Central Services, Group ‘A’ and Group ‘B’.
A total number of 875 candidates have been recommended for appointment including 399 General (including 21 Physically Challenged candidates), 273 Other Backward Classes(including 09 Physically Challenged candidates), 127 Scheduled Castes and 76 Scheduled Tribes candidates.
2. Appointment to the various services will be made according to the number of vacancies available with due consideration to the provisions contained in Rules 2 and 19 of the Rules of the Examination and subject to the final decision of the Supreme Court / High Court / C.A.Ts. on the S.L.Ps. / R.As/ W.Ps. O.As. pending therein. The number of vacancies reported by the Government for the Indian Administrative Service is 131 (66 General, 38 Other Backward Classes, 18 Scheduled Castes and 09 Scheduled Tribes); for the Indian Foreign Service is 30 (15 General, 10 Other Backward Classes, 01 Scheduled Castes and 04 Scheduled Tribe); for the Indian Police Service is 150 (77 General, 39 Other Backward Classes, 21 Scheduled Castes and 13 Scheduled Tribes); for the Central Services Group ‘A’ is 582 (298 General, 159 Other Backward Classes, 81 Scheduled Castes and 44 Scheduled Tribes) and for Central Services Group ‘B’ is 96 ( 57 General, 27 Other Backward Classes, 06 Scheduled Castes and 06 Scheduled Tribes). This includes 30 vacancies for Physically Challenged candidates.
3. The candidature of candidates with the following Roll Numbers is provisional : -
001601 015903 019236 020529 023078 023385 030096 036553 039285 042900 046632 046647 047457 047627 050193 050258 054104 065658 068203 094092 095639 096294 108878 109299 119065 156611 160376 165838 174158 177053 180613 205388 207085 218489 265080 268065 282182 292340 295265 352940 358135 359175 and 365479
4. In accordance with Rule 16 (4) & (5) of the Civil Services Examination Rules 2009, the Commission is maintaining a consolidated Reserve List of 228 candidates which includes 114 General, 88 Other Backward Classes, 18 Scheduled Castes and 08 Scheduled Tribes candidates ranking in order of merit below the last recommended candidate under respective category.
5. The list of candidates recommended for appointment has been drawn pursuant to the ad-interim stay granted by the Hon’ble Supreme Court in SLP(Civil) No.13571-72/2008 dated 16.05.2008 filed by the Union of India on the judgment of the Hon’ble Madras High Court in WP No.37196 of 2007 and related batch matters and therefore, this result is provisional subject to the final outcome of the Special Leave Petitions No.13571-72/2008 and judgment/directions of the Hon’ble Supreme Court in the matter.
6. UPSC has a “Facilitation Counter” near Examination Hall in its campus. Candidates can obtain any information / clarification regarding their examinations / recruitments on the working days between 1000 hours to 1700 hours in person or over telephone Nos. 23385271 / 23381125 / 23098543. Result will also be available on the U.P.S.C. website i.e. http// However, marks are likely to be available on the website within 15 days from the date of declaration of results.
NEW DELHI-110069 – 06th May 2010/ Vaisakha 16, 1932 Saka.
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