Shivaji University Infosys Training Programme 15th to 25th Nov 2010

Infosys Training Programme: Train the Trainer Programme – 15th to 25th Nov., 2010

Infosys Training Programme Started in shivaji university one academician from the Department of English for Language Enhancement training and one academician from the Department of Science/Arts/Commerce for Analytical Skills training scheduled to start on 15th Nov 10 at 10.30 a.m. till 25th Nov 2010 at Infosys Campus, Pune for “Train the Trainer” Program.

Teachers Recruitment Board chennai Graduate Assistants Results

Teachers Recruitment Board chennai Graduate Assistants Results

Direct Recruitment of Graduate Assistants for Government Middle/High/Higher Secondary School 2010-11 through Employment Registration Seniority


The Teachers Recruitment Board was entrusted with the task of recruiting Graduate Assistant for Middle / High / Higher Secondary Schools for the year 2010-11 to be appointed in various departments viz. Directorate of School Education, Directorate of Elementary Education etc. based on employment exchange registration seniority.

The Commissioner of Employment and Training, has sponsored the additional list of eligible candidates based on the Indent sent by this Board . Accordingly, the Teachers Recruitment Board is conducting Certificate Verification for a total number of 8917 candidates including those candidates who have absented in the previous certificate verification and for those who have sponsored additionally by the Commissioner of Employment and Training, Chennai-32 from 15-11-2010 to 16-11-2010 at the 10 Regionals detailed in the Annexure.

The Teachers Recruitment Board is now releasing the details of the candidates who are called for the said certificate verification . The subject wise cut off dates furnished by the Employment Office is also herewith published.

The list is being released to help the right candidates, who are not in receipt of the Certificate Verification call letter sent by this Board and also having their name in this list. They may attend the scheduled Certificate Verification by taking a printout from this website in which their name and other Certificate Verification details are available.

Click Here To Teachers Recruitment Board chennai Graduate Assistants Results

Barasat University Part 1 Result

Barasat University Part 1 Examination Result
Results of B.A./B.Sc/B.Com Part-I 2010 are published. Mark-sheets and Gazette have been sent to affiliated colleges. Candidates are requested to contact their colleges.
Casual candidates are hereby informed that their results shall be sent to colleges on 20th Nov. 2010.
B.B.A. candidates shall get their mark-sheets on Tuesday, 16th Nov.
Colleges are requested to contact the University for candidates with subject changes/ duplicate/ IDs.

West Bengal State University Part 1 Result

West Bengal State University Published The Part 1 Exam Result

1. Students of B.A., B.Sc., B.Com (Hons., General and Major) and BBA (Hons) 1st year classes for the session 2008-09, who have appeared at the Part-I Final examination in 2009 and did not score marks up to their expectations in the Mid Term (Internal Assessment) conducted by the college, may be given an option for improvement of their results by appearing in another Mid-term to be conducted by the college. The dates and schedule of this test would be announced by respective colleges shortly.
2. For students in 1st Year classes of B.A., B.Sc., B.Com (Hons., General and Major) and BBA (Hons) for the session 2009-10, marks obtained in the Mid-Term tests conducted by the college in any paper (theoretical) would not be taken into consideration in the Part-I Final examination to be held in 2010.
3. In case of those colleges where the marks obtained by students in the Mid-term tests were not posted properly in the statement of marks for internal assessment submitted by the college to the University, the Principals of the concerned colleges are requested to re-submit the rectified marks to the University after proper verification.
4. Qualifying marks in all Practical papers will be calculated based on the total marks obtained by a student in Part I and Part II examinations taken together. Therefore, there would be no disqualifications in the Part I results for any Practical paper.
5. Any student obtaining 35% marks in the General papers including ENVS (at least 123 out of 350) would be eligible for review of two (2) Hons papers.
6. Any student with grade QG would have to repeat only the concerned Hons papers if he/she wishes to upgrade the result to Hons.
7. Any student failing to qualify in Hons and deciding to continue in the General stream in Part II would have to appear in the General paper corresponding to the failed Hons subject along with other general papers in the Part II examination.
8. The last date for accepting applications from students for review of examination scripts for both Hons and General papers by concerned colleges is extended to 15th December, 2009.

Click Here To West Bengal State University Part 1 Result

Sashastra Seema Bal 1022 Constable Recruitment Notification 2010-Download SSB Constable Application Form


Name of Post

01 CT(Cook)
02 CT(Washer man)
03 CT(Barber)
04 CT(Safaiwala)
05 CT(Water Career)
06 CT(Waiter)
07 CT(Mason)
08 CT(Carpenter)
09 CT(Painter)
10 CT(Plumber)
11 CT(Black smith)
12 CT(Tailor)
13 CT(Cobbler)
14 CT(Gardener)

Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2000

Last date of receipt of application is 10.12.2010 for all states except for Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Ladakh Division of Jammu and Kashmir State, Lahaul and Spiiti District and Pangi Sub-Division of Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh, Andaman & Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep for which the last date is 17.12.2010.

Total Vacancy : 1022 Posts

Age : 18 to 23 years (Cut-off date for age will be 10-12-2010)

Educational & Other Qualifications for all posts:

1) Matriculation or equivalent form a recognized Board or Institute. (8th Class pass for the ST Candidates of Mizoram State, Tirap and Changlang districts of Arunachal Pradesh only) and
2) (i) Two years work experience in respective trade; OR
(ii) One year certificate course from Indusial Training Institute/ Vocational Institute with at least one year experience in the Trade ; OR
(iii) Two years Diploma from Industrial Training Institute in the trade or similar trade.
3) Must qualify trade test .

How to apply:

A. Documents required for submitting Application:
a) Application form on the prescribed format duly filled in Hindi or English.
b) Attested copy of Date of Birth Certificate as per Matriculation Certificate.
c) Attested copy of educational qualification certificate from recognised school / institution
d) Attested copy of relevant category (SC / ST / OBC) and domicile certificate as per given format.
e) Domicile certificate issued by the revenue authority not below the rank of Tehsildar. West Pakistani Refugee settle in J&K are exempted to produce domicile certificate, they will produce certificate issued by the village Sarapanch/ Numbardar alongwith a copy of the electoral roll showing the name of the candidate in the voter list for election of the Parliamentary Constituency
f) Three latest passport size photographs duly attested (one photo should be pasted on the application form, one on admit card and the last one should be attached with the application form).
g) IPO / Bank Draft for Rs. 50/- (for General and OBC Candidates only) Non refundable.
h) Two self addressed envelopes of 4”X9” size with Rs.6/- postage stamps duly affixed on each envelope.
i) Envelope containing Application must be super-scribed in bold letters “Application for the Post of “Constable (mention name of trade) and Post Code ( ).
j) Attested copy of technical qualification certificate issued by the recognised institute or ITI relating to post.
k) Attested copy of related certificate of experience issued by employer / institute / body recognised by Govt. of India / State Govt.
l) Attested copy of OBCs as mentioned in the list by Govt. of India are only eligible for reservation as OBC candidates. Caste Certificate of SC / ST / OBC issued by the Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tehsildar or equal competent authorities as designated by the concerned states is valid. SC/ST/OBC Candidates must submit caste certificate on prescribed format as per Annexure – IV (for SC / ST) and III for OBC.
(m) Attested copy of Discharge certificate in case of Ex-Servicemen.
(n) Attested copies of certificate issued by District Collector for children / dependents of victim killed in 1984 riots and riots of 2002 in Gujarat.
(o) Attested copies of certificate in support of their claim for ITVs of SSB.
(p) Experience Certificate of relevant trade.

The application duly filled in by the candidate must be sent to the following address:-

Application Fee:
Application Fee will be Rs.50/- (Non-refundable) for candidates belonging to General and OBC category only and no fee will be charged from SC / ST and Ex-Servicemen candidates. The Candidates should attach the Indian Postal Order or Crossed Demand Draft drawn in favour of “The Accounts Officer, SHQ, SSB, Gorakhpur (UP)”

Selection Process :
The eligible candidates shall be issued Admit Cards to appear in recruitment tests. The date and place of recruitment test will be indicated in the Admit Card. The Candidates will have to undergo the following documentation test and other tests

click here for Notification

click here for Application Form (After Notification)

BHEL Result 2010 | BHEL Engineer Trainees /Supervisor Trainees Result 2010

Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd.(BHEL) Published The Engineer Trainees and Supervisor Trainees Recruitment Written Test Result

Click Here To BHEL Engineer Trainees Result 2010
Click Here BHEL Supervisor Trainees Result 2010

Click Here To Click Here BHEL STs Interview Call Letter

Anna University Ph.D / M.S Programme Jan 2011 Notification


Important Dates:

Downloading of Application from the website: 25.10.2010 onwards
Last date for receipt of completed Applications: 12.11.2010

Candidates who satisfy the general eligibility criteria and educational qualification shown below are eligible to apply for Ph.D. Programme.
1.1 Master’s Degree of the University or any other qualification recognized as equivalent thereto
in the fields of study notified from time to time by this University. Specific Educational Qualifications are given in Clause 2.
1.2 Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering / Technology of the University or any other qualification recognized as equivalent thereto in the fields of study with a minimum of 15 years of R & D Experience in National Research Laboratories / Public sector undertakings and with minimum of three publications in referred impact factor journals or two international patents in the last five years.
1.3 A minimum of 55% marks or CGPA of 5.5 on a 10 point scale in the qualifying examination (50% marks or CGPA of 5.0 on a 10 point scale for SC/ST candidates). For M.A.(English) Degree holders including SC/ST candidates, a minimum of 50% marks or CGPA of 5.0 on a 10 point scale
1.4 The Clause 1.3 does not apply, if the qualifying degree is M.S (By Research) of the University or recognized as equivalent.


(i) Ph.D. Degree in
Engineering/ Technology
M.E./M.Tech./M.S. (By Research) in the
relevant branch of Engineering or Technology.
(ii) Ph.D. Degree in
Science and Humanities
M.Sc./M.A.(English)/M.S. (By Research) in the
relevant branch of Science and Humanities /
(iii) Ph.D. Degree in
Management Sciences
MBA / Post Graduate Diploma in Business
Management or Administration awarded by
Indian Institute of Managements (IIMs) / M.S
(By Research) in Management Sciences.
(iv) Ph.D. Degree in
Architecture and Planning
M.Arch./M.Plan / M.S.(By Research) in
Architecture and Planning

Candidates who satisfy the eligibility criteria as in Clause 1 & 2 are eligible to apply for Ph.D. Programme.
3.1 Full-time Ph.D Programme:
3.1.1 Candidates under Full-time shall do research work in the University and shall be available during the working hours for curricular, co-curricular and related activities.
3.1.2 Candidates working in the projects undertaken from State/Central/Quasi Government and totally funded through the projects in the University Departments, University Colleges of Engineering, Govt./Govt. Aided/Self financing Engineering Colleges within Tamil Nadu. If the Principal Co-ordinator/Investigator of such projects are recognized Supervisor of the University, the candidate shall register for research programme under such Supervisor only. The candidate should be appointed in a project sanctioned by a funding agency/organization atleast for a period of two years. Part employments in different spells or in different projects are not permitted. The Department / Centre where the project is undertaken should be a recognized research centre of the University.
3.1.3 Candidates in employment, who want to pursue Full-time study, should be sponsored by their employer and should avail study leave for the minimum duration of the programme and should get formally relieved from their duty to join the research programme.
3.1.4 Candidates who are sponsored by the AICTE under Quality Improvement Programme for teachers of Engineering Colleges who satisfy the eligibility conditions shall be eligible for Full-time category only in the specializations as notified in AICTE guidelines.
3.1.5 Candidates who are selected at National level Fellowship programmes or by any recognized bodies and who satisfy the eligibility conditions as per the regulations shall apply for Fulltime category in the respective specialization.
3.1.6 Foreign Nationals sponsored by the Government of India on any exchange programme and who satisfy the eligibility conditions as per the regulations shall apply for Full-time study.
3.2 Part-time Ph.D. Programme: The following categories of candidates are eligible to apply under part-time programme.
3.2.1 Full-time teachers of University Departments/University Colleges of Engineering, Govt./Govt. Aided/Self financing Engineering Colleges within Tamil Nadu.
3.2.2 Candidates working in Industrial Units/R&D Departments/National Laboratories/Units of Government/Quasi Government or any other research laboratories which are recognized by the University to do collaborative research with the University and sponsored by the respective employer.
Selection to the research programme (part-time and full-time) will be based on the performance in the written test cum interview.

Call for Anna Centenary Research Fellowship

Application for Ph.D. / M.S. (By Research) programme – Jan 2011
Information to the candidates for Ph.D.

RRB Chennai Special Drive Recruitment Application Forms 2010 | RRB Chennai Special Drive Recruitment For PWD and SC/ST/OBC Application Forms and Selec


PART-I (Special Recruitment Drive for Person With Disabilities – PWD) CATEGORY Nos. 01 TO 21

PART-II (Special Recruitment Drive for SC/ST/OBC) CATEGORY Nos. 22 TO 47

Applications are invited in the prescribed format as enclosed ( on a good quality A-4 size bond paper of 80 GSM using one side only) from eligible Indian Nationals for the following posts of Technicians. Applications complete in all respects along with required enclosures should be sent by post to the concerned Railway Recruitment Board as mentioned in para 15 of this notification, so as to reach on or before 29.11.2010 up to 17.30 Hrs. The applications can also be dropped in the box kept at the premises of concerned RRB offices, till the closing date. For candidates residing in Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Jammu & Kashmir, Lahaul & Spiti districts and Pangi sub-division of Chamba district of Himachal Pradesh, Andaman, Nicobar and Lakshwadeep islands and for candidates residing abroad, the closing date for receipt of applications by posts will be 14.12.2010 up to 17.30 Hrs.
1) Written Examination will be held on the same day by all participating RRBs. 2) Participating RRBs have given choice of Local Language. Candidates have got the option to choose any one of the local languages at the time of applying. 3) No examination fee for SC/ST/Ex-Servicemen / Physically Handicapped/ Women/ Minorities / Economically backward classes candidates having annual family income less than Rs. 50,000/-

Candidates are advised to Submit Application Form as Grouped below

SINGLE COMMON APPLICATION : Category No. 2,3,22 & 23
SINGLE COMMON APPLICATION : Category No. 4,5,6,7,8,9,24,25,26,27,28,29 & 30
SINGLE COMMON APPLICATION : Category No. 10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,46 & 47
SINGLE COMMON APPLICATION : Category No. 18,19,20,21,44 & 45

The application format as per Annexure 1 & 2 should be filled up by the candidate in his/her own handwriting, with blue or black ball point pen (not in pencil, fountain pen or gel pen) dated and signed. Only international numerical i.e. 1,2, 3 etc. should be used. The application form should be filled up in English or in Hindi only, strictly observing all the instructions given in this Employment Notice. The candidates should affix his/her normal signature in English or in Hindi in the application form. Applications signed in capital letters/spaced out letters will be treated as invalid.
The candidate’s Name, Address with Pin Code, Date of Birth, Father’s Name and nearest Railway Station should be written legibly in English in bold capital letters, even if the candidate fills up the application form in Hindi.
Photographs: One recent (not earlier than three months from the date of application) colour passport size photograph with clear front view of the candidate without cap and sunglasses should be pasted on the application form in the space provided. Xerox copy of photographs is not permitted. The candidates should sign in the space provided in the box below the photograph. One identical extra colour passport size photograph should be enclosed with the application, indicating candidate’s name and category number on the reverse of the photograph. Candidates may note that the RRB may reject at any stage for pasting old/unclear photograph on the application or for any significant variations between photograph pasted in the application and the actual physical appearance of the candidate.

In item No.9 of application form, the candidates should indicate any clear visible marks of identification on their body like a mole on the nose, cut-mark on the forehead in the left side or a scar mark below the left arm, etc. The application form of the candidate is liable to be rejected if he/she does not indicate clear identification marks or identification mark column not filled up.
The candidate should copy the paragraph at item No.14 of the information sheet in English/Hindi in their own running handwriting (not in capital/spaced out letters), otherwise their applications will be rejected.

The candidate should put their Left Hand Thumb impression at the designated places in the Application Form and in the Information Sheet. The Thumb impressions must be clear and complete. Ridges of the Thumb impressions must be clearly visible.
Applications which are illegible, incomplete, unsigned, signed in capital letters, not in prescribed format, without photo of candidate, not having IPO/DD or having IPO/DD purchased before date of issue of and after closing date of Employment Notice are liable to be rejected.
The envelope containing the application should be clearly super-scribed “Application for the Post/s of ______________________Category No/s.__________ Employment Notice No._________ & Community (SC/ST/OBC/PWD/Ex-SM)”. If the post/s and category number/s is/ are not indicated on the top of the envelope containing application, the same will not be entertained.
Candidates must apply as per the table given below

The following enclosures as applicable to each individual candidate should be firmly stitched along with the application in the given order:
The selection is made strictly as per merit, on the basis of written examination. Short-listed candidates will be called for verification of the original documents according to merit, availability of vacancies and reservation rules.
There shall be negative marking in written examinations and marks shall be deducted for each wrong answer @1/3 of the allotted marks for each question.
The syllabus for the written examination will be generally in conformity with the educational standards and/or technical qualifications prescribed for the posts. The Questions will be of objective type with multiple answers and likely to include questions pertaining to General Awareness, Arithmetic, General Intelligence and reasoning and Language General Hindi/General English. The question paper will be in English, Hindi, Urdu and local languages as indicated in para 15 given below and the duration of the examination will be 90 minutes with approximately 100 questions.
The Railway Recruitment Board, at its discretion may hold additional written test(s) if considered necessary for all or for a limited number of candidates as may be deemed fit by Railway Recruitment Board.
The date, time and venue of the written examination will be fixed by the RRB and will be intimated to the eligible candidates in due course. Request for postponement of the examination and change of center/venue will not be entertained under any circumstance.

Based on the performance of candidates in the written examination, the candidates equal to the number of vacancies will be called for document verification in the main list. In addition 30% extra candidates are also called as standby candidates and they are considered for empanelment only if there is shortfall in empanelment from the main list. During document verification, the candidates will have to produce their original certificates. No additional time will be given and the candidature of the candidates not producing their original certificates on the date of verification is liable to be forfeited.
The appointment of selected candidates is subject to his/her passing requisite Medical Fitness Test to be conducted by the Railway Administration, final verification of educational and community certificate and verification of antecedent/character of the candidate.

For More Details Click Here

Syndicate Bank PO Exam Result

Syndicated Bank Recruitment of Probationary Officers Written Examination Held on 29.08.2010.

The Syndicate Bank Probationary officers Result Will be updates soon.

for result keep visit.

The applications received from the candidates will be screened and shortlisted on the basis of qualification and relevant experience, wherever prescribed. The requisite number of shortlisted candidates will be called for interview for final selection. The selection will be made on the basis of performance in the interview. The Interview will be conducted by a Committee constituted for the purpose.

Mere satisfying the eligibility norms do not entitle a candidate to be called for Interview. The Bank reserves the right to call only the requisite number of candidates out of those who fulfill the eligibility criteria apart from education qualification like Computer Proficiency, Knowledge of Regional language, number of attempts in the qualifying examination (i.e., Graduation or Post Graduation as the case may be), suitability etc., as may be required for the post.

Appointment of the selected candidate is subject to his/her being declared Medically fit as per the requirement of the Bank. Such appointment and confirmation in the services of the Bank will also be subject to receiving satisfactory references from respectable persons, Police verification of the character and antecedents, caste/tribe/community/ disability verification and other compliances.

All Educational qualifications should be from a recognised Indian University.

Click Here To Syndicate Bank PO Exam Result Updates

HPSC Result | Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC) Transport Department Result

Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC) The Below Recruitment Exam Result

Works Manager in Transport Department, Haryana

Manager (ATP) in Haryana State Industrial & Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd, Sub Divisional Engineer (Civil) (Equivalent to Class-II) in Haryana Urban Development Authority

Result of Manager DTP in Haryana State Industrial & Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd., Financial Advisor-cum-Cost Accountant in Haryana State Federation of Cooperative Sugar Mills Ltd.& Sub Divisional Engineer (Electrical) in Haryana Urban Development Authority

Works Manager in Transport Department, Haryana

On the basis of Interviews held in month of January 2010, the Haryana Public Service Commission has finalized the result of Works Manager (Group-B) in Transport Department, Haryana. The candidates bearing following Roll Numbers have been selected. The result has been shown Roll Number wise & Category wise:-

General Category
4, 37, 119, 179, 252,
SC of Haryana
210, 247
BC of Haryana
29, 255
ESM of Haryana
Note:1. While preparing the result due care has been taken. However, any inadvertent error cannot be ruled out. The Commission reserves its right to rectify any error at a later stage.

Click Here To HPSC other Recruitment Result

Punjabi University B.Sc Biotech/Agriculture Part 1st and 3rd Exam Result 2010

Punjabi University patiala published The B. Sc (Bio. Tech.) Part 1st , B. Sc (Bio. Tech.) Part 3rd and B. Sc (Agriculture) Part 1st Exam Result

Click Here To Punjabi University B. Sc (Bio. Tech.) Part 1st Result
Click Here To Punjabi University B. Sc (Bio. Tech.) Part 3rd Result
Click Here To Punjabi University B. Sc (Agriculture) Part 1st Result

Infosys Recruitment Drive for Freshers (All Graduates) on November 17 – Register


Infosys hiring Freshers for the role of Systems Engineer who have a passion to work and excel in a dynamic environment.

Eligibility Criteria:

* BE / B.Tech / ME / M.Tech/ MCA / MSc (Computer Science/ Electronics/ Mathematics/ Physics/ Statistics / Information Technology / Information Science only.
* Candidates must have a consistently excellent academic track record.
* Only Candidates who have graduated in the year 2010 are eligible to apply.
* The Candidate should not have participated in the Infosys selection process in the last 9 months.

You can send in the resumes to on or before November 17, 2010.

Short listed candidates will be directly informed via e-mail about the selection process.

Best of Luck !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WIPRO Recruitment Drive on 13 & 14th November at Noida, Pune & Chennai


Location: Noida, Pune

& Chennai

Qualification : Any Degree

Experience : 2-10 years

Interview Dates : 13th, 14th November

Interview Times : 9 AM – 3 PM

Candidate Should Latest Updated Resume and 2 recent passport size photographs and aslo Valid ID Proof.

Venue :
NOIDA: Wipro Technologies,
Special Economic Zone, Plot #2, 3 & 4,
Knowledge Park-IV, Gautam Budh Nagar,
Greater Noida – 201 306

Venue : Chandigarh : Chitkara University,
Chitkara Administrative Office,
Saraswati Kendra, Plot No. 11-12,
Dainik Bhaskar Building, Sector – 25D,
Dakshin Marg, Chandigarh – 160 014

Candidates Mail your Resume to should indicate the position and the Job Code in the subject Line or else you can visit and upload your Profile to relevant Job Code.

Delhi University Correspondence Results 2010

Delhi University Correspondence Published The B.A First and Second Year Examination Result 2010

The School offers Undergraduate/Postgraduate Degree courses in the subjects of Arts/Humanities and Commerce. The medium of instruction is primarily through well- prepared printed course material which is distributed by mail to all the enrolled students. This is also supplemented through Personal Contact Program conducted for the benefit of students at various study centers run by the School. An experienced faculty is always available at the main campus for academic interaction with students.

The School offers learning through the distance education mode which is a viable alternative for students who need a flexible medium of instruction to attain higher education and vocational skills.

Click Here To School of Open LearningB.A 1st and 2nd Year Exam Result 2010

Annamalai University BA English,Economics Overseas Results 2010

Annamalai University Published the BA English,Economics Overseas Results 2010

Click Here To Annamalai University BA English,Economics Overseas Results 2010

The Directorate of Distance Education established in 1979 offers four hundred and one different programmes of study under the Regular Stream. It is credited with the largest enrolment in India and is well equipped with computer and other infrastructure, adequate teaching faculty and administrative set-up of its own, study centres, computer training centres, etc., to serve its students’ clientele in their best interest at their door steps. It has also the unique distinction of offering first in India, Postgraduate Degree Programmes in Applied Psychology, Physics, Chemistry, Zoology, Botany, Bioinformatics and Law through Distance Education mode. The Directorate of Distance Education is also offering the Programmes on Fashion Design, Textile Design, Interior Design, Hotel Management and Catering Technology Programmes, Retail Management, Twinning Programme, Programmes on Health Science, Commonwealth Youth Programme, Yoga, Music, Fire and Safety, Pharmaceutical and Taxation Programmes.

University of Mumbai T.Y.B.Com Result held on OCT 2010

University of Mumbai Published The Commerce TYBCOM Examination Result Oct 2010.

Click Here To University of Mumbai T.Y.B.Com Result held on OCT 2010

For First Year M.C.A. (Sem – II) (Repeaters)
The repeater students of First Year M.C.A. (Sem – II) (Revised Course) of IDOL are hereby informed that examination forms are available in Room No. 12, IT Section, IDOL, Vidyanagri, Mumbai – 400 098.
You are request to come alongwith your ID and lower examination marklist with D.D.for Rs. 850 in the name of “Director, IDOL, University if Mumbai”. The date is to submit the exam form is 8 th to 12 th November, 2010 which may please be noted.

Osmania University BBA June-2010 Result

Osmania University Published The BBA Examination june 2010 Result

Click Here To Osmania University BBA June-2010 Result

Canara Bank PO Written Test Result and Interview Schedule 2010 | Canara Bank Probationary Officers Result 2010

Canara Bank Recruitment Project – 2010 –Prob. Officers – Written Test Results & Interview Schedule

Recruitment Project – 2010 – Recruitment of Probationary Officers in JMGS-I [Post Code-1]

Roll Number (Registration No.) of the Candidates who passed in the Written Test & Called for Interview
Click Here To Canara Bank Prob. Officers Interview Schedule

Roll No. (Reg.No.)Roll No. (Reg.No.)Roll No. (Reg.No.)Roll No. (Reg.No.)Roll No. (Reg.No.)
5110000101 (98902)5201000051 (144865)5201000142 (146400)5201000143 (146409)5201000147 (44232)
5201000201 (147158)5201000537 (153578)5201000545 (46051)5201000692 (156486)5201000729 (46899)
5201000745 (83907)5201001080 (29362)5201001120 (164240)5201001167 (164935)5201001171 (164983)
5201001201 (14993)5201001249 (29672)5201001304 (167220)5201001354 (29905)5201001382 (168359)
5201001456 (49989)5201001478 (89930)5201001487 (169774)5201001510 (90209)5201001661 (172199)
5201001753 (91774)5201001932 (175959)5201001952 (176351)5201002122 (53282)5201002177 (98033)
5201002216 (54404)5201002242 (99264)5201002253 (21306)5201002278 (32583)5201002328 (55516)
5201002387 (102056)5201002395 (12989)5201002404 (56274)5201002433 (56569)5201002852 (111758)
5201002957 (62105)5201003051 (11763)5201003057 (116169)5201003069 (36737)5201003071 (63356)
5201003169 (37255)5201003255 (17021)5201003261 (37755)5201003266 (17036)5201003321 (121769)
5201003426 (17242)5201003651 (127573)5201003707 (69285)5201003789 (25130)5201003816 (40241)
5201003819 (70351)5201003844 (131132)5201003854 (17718)5201003861 (131504)5201003976 (17847)
5201004289 (139155)5201004354 (140134)5201004428 (18346)5201004526 (76573)5201004571 (143653)
5201004580 (18499)5205004624 (145483)5205004673 (147770)5205004726 (80822)5205004903 (163581)
5205004968 (19984)5205004985 (89431)5205005010 (90347)5205005096 (12706)5205005270 (57981)
5205005280 (22234)5205005298 (108085)5205005339 (60484)5205005340 (35365)5205005349 (111847)
5205005394 (62752)5205005431 (117730)5205005462 (23879)5205005553 (39111)5205005582 (127804)
5205005675 (41190)5205005683 (72432)5205005689 (72598)5205005691 (72649)5205005720 (137122)
5205005739 (18189)5205005810 (143534)5209005863 (12227)5209006006 (27441)5209006026 (149095)
5209006065 (149913)5209006276 (154883)5209006448 (84485)5209006510 (47753)5209006581 (162508)
5209006643 (163727)5209006701 (87516)5209006778 (166380)5209006987 (50278)5209007050 (91013)
5209007060 (30422)5209007097 (50864)5209007212 (92895)5209007222 (175903)5209007280 (93996)
5209007314 (94720)5209007335 (12783)5209007360 (12802)5209007386 (96887)5209007422 (97706)
5209007488 (99368)5209007505 (54895)5209007635 (33398)5209007674 (16014)5209007776 (106602)
5209007863 (34820)5209007931 (110445)5209007957 (111265)5209008002 (16534)5209008092 (11751)
5209008113 (115960)5209008145 (116839)5209008163 (117338)5209008381 (122818)5209008452 (124798)
5209008489 (39077)5209008505 (24661)5209008627 (69448)5209008719 (131544)5209008791 (71637)
5209008840 (25655)5209008945 (41790)5209009006 (18149)5209009074 (139753)5209009077 (139817)
5209009154 (141618)5209009176 (14250)5210014125 (14520)5210014166 (168068)5210014214 (13407)
5211014429 (108268)5211014435 (26041)5211014511 (176860)5212014471 (60569)5213009446 (27264)
5213009486 (147444)5213009668 (150504)5213009686 (18939)5213009738 (151895)5213010078 (14737)
5213010083 (157486)5213010240 (47672)5213010334 (161896)5213010428 (10352)5213010462 (48668)
5213010492 (164758)5213010530 (165301)5213010541 (87845)5213010571 (88015)5213010573 (49091)
5213010615 (88286)5213010628 (49265)5213010791 (89513)5213010855 (170188)5213010901 (15155)
5213010905 (170829)5213010971 (91061)5213011001 (91222)5213011058 (173399)5213011107 (174360)
5213011284 (93827)5213011302 (52165)5213011364 (31502)5213011443 (97345)5213011465 (32081)
5213011576 (32670)5213011578 (100249)5213011800 (57283)5213011927 (106597)5213011943 (106927)
5213012132 (110173)5213012153 (110678)5213012214 (111992)5213012379 (11748)5213012472 (63539)
5213012479 (117020)5213012508 (117496)5213012550 (37225)5213012563 (118623)5213012572 (118764)
5213012605 (119336)5213012721 (13605)5213012771 (122608)5213012800 (38399)5213012813 (17214)
5213012826 (123581)5213012845 (38584)5213012890 (124548)5213012923 (124998)5213012940 (67793)
5213012956 (67883)5213013018 (126679)5213013167 (69746)5213013200 (25098)5213013331 (17762)
5213013378 (71538)5213013394 (71687)5213013400 (25553)5213013422 (133531)5213013432 (133683)
5213013457 (134112)5213013461 (134142)5213013580 (136450)5213013690 (74319)5213013796 (139940)
5213013842 (140759)5213013882 (75813)5213013945 (142416)5214014338 (104458)5215014448 (21006)
5215014517 (29956)5301000055 (27474)5301000120 (28142)5301000282 (165456)5301000488 (94984)
5301000494 (20812)5301000699 (35363)5301000908 (24691)5301001077 (138654)5305001221 (15558)
5305001276 (70085)5309001335 (78404)5309001384 (149888)5309001420 (81191)5309001446 (28259)
5309001587 (29276)5309001754 (93544)5309001983 (35284)5309002076 (63721)5309002107 (119932)
5309002115 (65303)5309002161 (123335)5309002194 (126162)5309002257 (130237)5309002271 (40499)
5309002315 (133684)5309002359 (136452)5311003913 (118550)5313002525 (78696)5313002899 (90469)
5313003001 (20626)5313003081 (99917)5313003145 (33685)5313003255 (111218)5313003259 (111432)
5313003339 (36980)5313003393 (24046)5313003527 (69938)5313003539 (131121)5313003564 (132877)
5313003719 (14249)5314003873 (117184)5315003916 (141945)5401000099 (13084)5405000213 (154051)
5405000218 (155601)5405000223 (157184)5405000295 (173789)5405000354 (58714)5405000380 (113085)
5405000396 (16777)5405000400 (63927)5405000428 (67036)5405000504 (143487)5409000524 (149394)
5409000527 (151778)5409000550 (158573)5409000576 (49513)5409000621 (55633)5409000636 (108041)
5409000657 (114965)5413000734 (78635)5413000751 (44808)5413000773 (153562)5413000835 (167826)
5413000841 (29983)5413000846 (89854)5413000858 (172024)5413000875 (93566)5413000890 (53159)
5413000894 (31901)5413000942 (58003)5413001042 (17071)5413001064 (124381)5413001168 (143713)
5501000006 (43752)5501000015 (77505)5501000030 (77720)5501000287 (82053)5501000398 (83655)
5501000433 (84150)5501000478 (19500)5501000481 (19510)5501000542 (19664)5501000555 (29249)
5501000566 (29304)5501000695 (19999)5501000707 (49683)5501000734 (168973)5501000784 (170338)
5501000797 (90577)5501000811 (90832)5501000817 (171519)5501000897 (30589)5501000990 (92954)
5501001004 (93157)5501001012 (30960)5501001085 (52699)5501001130 (53313)5501001142 (31897)
5501001177 (98058)5501001275 (55343)5501001326 (56163)5501001344 (102766)5501001367 (103397)
5501001370 (103443)5501001371 (56843)5501001381 (21843)5501001501 (59218)5501001520 (108752)
5501001532 (109057)5501001548 (16349)5501001572 (110193)5501001591 (60472)5501001596 (110868)
5501001672 (61734)5501001722 (23256)5501001739 (115582)5501001773 (116721)5501001839 (64423)
5501001847 (37386)5501001858 (64719)5501001918 (65540)5501001978 (66421)5501002003 (123319)
5501002026 (67151)5501002049 (124655)5501002100 (126514)5501002180 (11983)5501002214 (130964)
5501002215 (130984)5501002240 (71071)5501002247 (132009)5501002286 (133012)5501002420 (26085)
5501002425 (26116)5501002448 (42187)5501002587 (76576)5501002603 (143403)5502016680 (127137)
5505002643 (14471)5505002663 (84264)5505002664 (84775)5505002669 (161799)5505002710 (15544)
5505002726 (56138)5505002731 (103300)5505002761 (64942)5505002784 (69964)5505002800 (41825)
5505002809 (12152)5505002810 (12153)5509002818 (144238)5509002828 (77327)5509002881 (145221)
5509002906 (77873)5509002912 (77895)5509002964 (78160)5509002971 (78188)5509003007 (44268)
5509003021 (146740)5509003022 (44307)5509003056 (78686)5509003065 (18716)5509003081 (27310)
5509003122 (147898)5509003124 (147908)5509003144 (148142)5509003201 (148968)5509003221 (149159)
5509003248 (18866)5509003252 (14488)5509003254 (149580)5509003255 (18868)5509003349 (80611)
5509003361 (45465)5509003379 (151662)5509003383 (45547)5509003391 (45582)5509003393 (45604)
5509003405 (81173)5509003441 (45772)5509003476 (153139)5509003573 (154351)5509003574 (154365)
5509003613 (154783)5509003642 (155132)5509003658 (155332)5509003683 (19252)5509003686 (19257)
5509003693 (155830)5509003704 (83180)5509003705 (83194)5509003713 (46711)5509003728 (83372)
5509003748 (156792)5509003770 (83647)5509003775 (157115)5509003782 (83703)5509003788 (83752)
5509003813 (83866)5509003828 (47050)5509003847 (84104)5509003860 (84246)5509003900 (19450)
5509003903 (14784)5509003920 (84769)5509003926 (28828)5509003928 (28835)5509003937 (28857)
5509003944 (85057)5509003950 (85101)5509003961 (85276)5509003978 (85460)5509003988 (47844)
5509004019 (85794)5509004025 (47982)5509004029 (85842)5509004041 (85939)5509004042 (85948)
5509004063 (86080)5509004090 (19662)5509004121 (86431)5509004137 (48345)5509004149 (86680)
5509004155 (48421)5509004161 (29310)5509004163 (48454)5509004218 (87210)5509004225 (87267)
5509004276 (87629)5509004289 (48956)5509004307 (87915)5509004319 (49055)5509004320 (49056)
5509004373 (88432)5509004467 (168633)5509004473 (168648)5509004478 (89458)5509004498 (89598)
5509004518 (30060)5509004553 (169752)5509004568 (50125)5509004591 (170267)5509004603 (90324)
5509004622 (30245)5509004657 (171188)5509004678 (90821)5509004697 (20243)5509004704 (90979)
5509004718 (91091)5509004737 (12647)5509004769 (50838)5509004817 (173744)5509004820 (51067)
5509004864 (174654)5509004933 (175989)5509004947 (176167)5509005009 (93940)5509005019 (52092)
5509005029 (94158)5509005049 (52291)5509005126 (95429)5509005127 (95432)5509005203 (96447)
5509005235 (53462)5509005280 (97319)5509005286 (31976)5509005288 (97464)5509005303 (53856)
5509005332 (98086)5509005351 (21187)5509005364 (54356)5509005378 (32308)5509005408 (54546)
5509005430 (99105)5509005432 (99108)5509005439 (99172)5509005466 (54804)5509005476 (99627)
5509005481 (99654)5509005507 (99872)5509005522 (32650)5509005525 (100102)5509005530 (21399)
5509005552 (32743)5509005573 (100699)5509005579 (100736)5509005589 (32828)5509005591 (100821)
5509005598 (100877)5509005613 (32897)5509005624 (55666)5509005637 (101434)5509005638 (55802)
5509005654 (101711)5509005655 (101712)5509005656 (101730)5509005671 (102286)5509005690 (102581)
5509005708 (102814)5509005718 (102991)5509005725 (56592)5509005735 (103127)5509005736 (103128)
5509005746 (103213)5509005757 (103264)5509005805 (103698)5509005810 (56955)5509005830 (103938)
5509005838 (103982)5509005849 (13047)5509005874 (57263)5509005915 (57503)5509005939 (105235)
5509005941 (105241)5509005959 (105426)5509005960 (57797)5509005969 (105584)5509005970 (105585)
5509005971 (57882)5509005972 (105618)5509005988 (57997)5509005992 (105924)5509006021 (106270)
5509006036 (34234)5509006039 (106455)5509006041 (106458)5509006042 (106468)5509006048 (106563)
5509006074 (106998)5509006084 (58656)5509006114 (16222)5509006150 (59097)5509006151 (108062)
5509006167 (108296)5509006176 (108377)5509006179 (108410)5509006201 (34808)5509006210 (59524)
5509006211 (59525)5509006228 (109016)5509006233 (59625)5509006237 (109145)5509006244 (34916)
5509006258 (34961)5509006276 (35000)5509006294 (109768)5509006305 (60013)5509006306 (60015)
5509006316 (109954)5509006332 (110144)5509006334 (110149)5509006337 (110174)5509006352 (110299)
5509006373 (110592)5509006394 (22736)5509006405 (22747)5509006424 (111083)5509006432 (111197)
5509006444 (22787)5509006451 (22799)5509006462 (111431)5509006490 (111828)5509006495 (111864)
5509006512 (112108)5509006519 (112164)5509006527 (112210)5509006565 (112521)5509006568 (112583)
5509006569 (112584)5509006572 (22957)5509006585 (112739)5509006595 (35835)5509006615 (113070)
5509006616 (113071)5509006621 (61662)5509006629 (11719)5509006633 (61759)5509006677 (61993)
5509006708 (23187)5509006714 (114505)5509006715 (114506)5509006716 (23201)5509006718 (62360)
5509006726 (114722)5509006730 (114766)5509006753 (62602)5509006769 (62681)5509006778 (115244)
5509006803 (115476)5509006823 (115687)5509006860 (116084)5509006876 (36691)5509006900 (23451)
5509006906 (116587)5509006907 (116588)5509006922 (116815)5509006948 (117104)5509006964 (63724)
5509006966 (63725)5509006978 (63765)5509006992 (63823)5509007007 (117631)5509007027 (63983)
5509007044 (117974)5509007045 (64079)5509007048 (118054)5509007075 (118325)5509007091 (118475)
5509007099 (64361)5509007112 (118625)5509007135 (118862)5509007148 (37372)5509007165 (37430)
5509007181 (37495)5509007189 (16976)5509007190 (119621)5509007200 (23854)5509007211 (37578)
5509007244 (120305)5509007272 (65423)5509007273 (65424)5509007284 (65500)5509007288 (65544)
5509007304 (65627)5509007306 (121088)5509007311 (37925)5509007318 (121245)5509007321 (37951)
5509007328 (121326)5509007333 (65782)5509007344 (65826)5509007373 (65997)5509007378 (66026)
5509007379 (24122)5509007390 (38132)5509007401 (66154)5509007424 (66291)5509007434 (122534)
5509007443 (122671)5509007447 (122742)5509007456 (122814)5509007464 (122940)5509007480 (123108)
5509007518 (123473)5509007519 (123484)5509007523 (123507)5509007542 (123797)5509007543 (123813)
5509007549 (123854)5509007555 (67057)5509007579 (67164)5509007584 (124176)5509007585 (124181)
5509007588 (124194)5509007613 (67314)5509007621 (124596)5509007652 (124883)5509007672 (24526)
5509007675 (38901)5509007680 (67678)5509007684 (125226)5509007687 (38937)5509007688 (67719)
5509007697 (125365)5509007726 (67957)5509007771 (39196)5509007788 (39254)5509007827 (127000)
5509007828 (13769)5509007841 (68698)5509007844 (127275)5509007876 (127665)5509007883 (39562)
5509007884 (127779)5509007927 (128370)5509007946 (69410)5509007979 (39883)5509007988 (129179)
5509007991 (129230)5509008026 (129671)5509008035 (69996)5509008040 (129884)5509008052 (40155)
5509008056 (130124)5509008076 (40234)5509008095 (130647)5509008115 (40380)5509008124 (70657)
5509008161 (131361)5509008165 (131399)5509008182 (70860)5509008183 (70861)5509008198 (131617)
5509008205 (17735)5509008226 (25363)5509008230 (131881)5509008257 (40679)5509008266 (71248)
5509008284 (132505)5509008294 (71393)5509008303 (132721)5509008316 (17816)5509008328 (17821)
5509008334 (133086)5509008364 (133513)5509008375 (133679)5509008381 (17868)5509008382 (133774)
5509008393 (133934)5509008416 (72179)5509008490 (134863)5509008496 (72591)5509008508 (25776)
5509008516 (41412)5509008583 (136018)5509008620 (73388)5509008636 (14081)5509008660 (26032)
5509008688 (137425)5509008689 (26076)5509008751 (42194)5509008752 (42195)5509008755 (42214)
5509008756 (42215)5509008759 (74328)5509008768 (74393)5509008777 (138656)5509008815 (74694)
5509008816 (74695)5509008818 (74731)5509008846 (75013)5509008847 (139794)5509008855 (26379)
5509008868 (42664)5509008870 (140153)5509008926 (42942)5509008956 (43046)5509008970 (43122)
5509008996 (142279)5509009006 (43237)5509009007 (43238)5509009008 (76344)5509009036 (142772)
5509009126 (18518)5509009128 (144113)5509009129 (144120)5509009132 (144129)5510016701 (81405)
5510016703 (153143)5510016730 (167606)5510016734 (170058)5510016772 (32980)5510016786 (59661)
5510016808 (13514)5510016832 (25029)5510016846 (72406)5511017026 (46130)5511017036 (93975)
5511017043 (112391)5511017046 (64297)5511017051 (130218)5511017054 (140948)5512017102 (125250)
5513009145 (144291)5513009167 (144527)5513009177 (144591)5513009196 (14339)5513009247 (145408)
5513009249 (77838)5513009280 (77993)5513009290 (78051)5513009321 (78209)5513009394 (78678)
5513009408 (44461)5513009456 (79074)5513009472 (79215)5513009482 (148350)5513009491 (44727)
5513009506 (148619)5513009520 (148860)5513009528 (44876)5513009535 (149090)5513009562 (79817)
5513009566 (79838)5513009567 (27575)5513009574 (149582)5513009596 (45085)5513009602 (45108)
5513009638 (150312)5513009645 (45243)5513009655 (27719)5513009656 (27720)5513009660 (150633)
5513009680 (18956)5513009706 (151216)5513009707 (27796)5513009716 (80781)5513009749 (45568)
5513009818 (81592)5513009822 (81628)5513009869 (153685)5513009918 (154083)5513009922 (154097)
5513009939 (154265)5513009947 (154313)5513009968 (46248)5513010025 (155187)5513010039 (19231)
5513010042 (155381)5513010043 (155382)5513010056 (46508)5513010066 (82945)5513010083 (46626)
5513010098 (83225)5513010137 (156724)5513010148 (156832)5513010173 (157123)5513010219 (83920)
5513010226 (83950)5513010239 (47080)5513010270 (84190)5513010281 (84266)5513010294 (84354)
5513010312 (158608)5513010339 (84545)5513010353 (84619)5513010385 (84917)5513010418 (85207)
5513010422 (47696)5513010423 (19541)5513010440 (85383)5513010446 (28976)5513010457 (47829)
5513010488 (85709)5513010515 (85870)5513010533 (161711)5513010539 (85989)5513010554 (161953)
5513010558 (48117)5513010563 (14880)5513010617 (86440)5513010619 (86443)5513010628 (86514)
5513010637 (86572)5513010654 (163185)5513010689 (86922)5513010694 (163670)5513010716 (87100)
5513010727 (48648)5513010751 (87337)5513010762 (19811)5513010798 (87658)5513010799 (87659)
5513010807 (165236)5513010810 (165265)5513010835 (165540)5513010845 (49052)5513010846 (49053)
5513010847 (49054)5513010850 (87989)5513010852 (49071)5513010854 (165792)5513010865 (49095)
5513010872 (49108)5513010874 (88089)5513010877 (88101)5513010879 (49124)5513010910 (88348)
5513010914 (19927)5513010952 (88615)5513010953 (88616)5513010988 (88879)5513010991 (29852)
5513010997 (167706)5513010998 (167707)5513010999 (167709)5513011018 (49639)5513011041 (89204)
5513011133 (89740)5513011139 (20097)5513011162 (89838)5513011230 (90230)5513011276 (30255)
5513011290 (170957)5513011314 (30322)5513011329 (50516)5513011334 (171624)5513011351 (50572)
5513011379 (30421)5513011381 (91168)5513011415 (91330)5513011428 (91439)5513011486 (15236)
5513011491 (91857)5513011498 (91894)5513011504 (51043)5513011510 (91967)

Indian Coast Guard Fast Track Selection 2011





1.The Indian Coast Guard. an Armed Force of the Union. offers a challenging and inspiring career as a Group ‘A’ Gazetted Officer in the pay scale for Assistant Commandant at Rs. 15B00—39100 {REVISED} with Grade Pay Re. 5400.

Date: 12 Nov 10 at 0800 hrs for AssT Comdt – GD and GD {P/N)

Date: 13 Nov 10 at 0800 hrs for Asst Comdt – CPL Holders {SSA} and Technical

VENUE: Indian Coast Guard Selection Board

A-1 . Sector – 24. Noida
Opposite HCL Technologies.
Dist Gautam Budh Nagar, UP-201301

2. Indian Citizens {Men} having following qualifications can appear for selection as per procedure mentioned below.

Type of entryEducational QualificationAge Limit
Asst. Commandant
(General Duty)
Bachelors degree with 55% marks in
aggregate of a recognized University by
the Central! State Govt/ UGC and with
Maths & Physics at 10+2 level
Born between
(01 Jul 86 to
30 Jun 90)
Asst. Commandant
(General Duty-Pilot-
B.Sc. with Mathematics and Physics and
55% marks in aggregate
Born between
(01 Jul 84 to
30 Jun 92)
Asst. Commandant
Commercial Pilot License
(CPL) Holders for (Short
service Appointment) as
Helicopters and Fixed
wing pilots for Period of
8 years. which may be
extended to 10 years and
further extendable
upto 14 years.
12th class passed or equivalent with
60% marks and should possess Current
Commercial Pilot License (CPL) on the
date of selection.
Born between
(01 Jul 84 to
30 Jun 92)
Asst. Commandant
Technical Branch
Degree with 55% marks in aggregate in
Naval architecture Marine/Mechanical/Aeronautical/
Production Engineering or equivalent
qualification in any of the above
discipline recognized by AICTE.
Burn between
(01 Jul 81 to
30 Jun 90)

Selection Procedure :

Registration :Registration will be carried out on the spot between 8:00hrs to 11:00 hrs n 12 and 13 Nov 2010. at CGSB Noida, for branches as indicated above.

Eligible candidates wil appear Preliminary Test (MAT-Mental Ability Test), After Clearing MAT PPDT (Picture Perception and Discussion Test).Qualified candidates will undergo Psychological Test, Group Testing and Interview (Personality Test).Selected candidates will undergo medical examination at Base Hospital /AFCME, Delhi.

GD(P/N) candidates on qualifying FSB will be required to appear for PABT at Dehradun AFSSB.


i)Candidates are required Io appear at the Venue with the following documents:

ii) Two copies of pre-filled application as per format given below.

ii) Original certificate of tenth class for date of birth verification.

iii) Mark sheet and certificates of 10+2 examination.

iv) Original certificate and mark sheets (all semesters and years) of BE/B.Tech/ Graduation as the case may be.

iv) Proof of identity such as passport. driving license. voter I card. college ID card or any other photo identity proof.

vi) A’. ‘B’. ‘C’ certificate of NCC as applicable.

vii) Caste Certificate (if applicable) in original as per Govt. of India format.

viii) Character certificate.

ix) Ten recent colour passport size photographs.

x) Current and Valid Commercial Pilot License approved by DGCA) in original.

General :

(a) Candidates who clear PSB should be prepared to stay for 07 days for the final selection for which they have te make their own arrangement No TA/DA will be admissible.
b) Candidates will be allotted Roll Numbers at the time oi registration.
c) Registration format can also be down loaded from Indian Coast Guard website :

click here for Notification

click here for Application Format

Highlights of employment news dated 5th November 2010


The employment news of 30th October – 05th November 2010 contains following advertisements. Below we have some fresh openings, which you can still apply in case you have missed it.

  1. Railway Recruitment Board, invites applications for the posts of Technicians.
  2. Indira Gandhi National Open University requires Section Officers, Personal Assistants, Data Entry Operators, Assistant and Stenographers.
  3. Aeronautical Development Agency, Bangalore invites applications for various posts.
  4. Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangthan invites applications for recruitment of Post Graduate Teachers, Trained Graduate Teachers, Trained Graduate Teachers, Primary Teachers and Misc. Teaching posts.
  5. South East Central Railway requires Trackman/Gangman, Khalasi and Peon/Store Khalasi against Ex-Servicemen quota in Group ‘D’.
  6. Bharat Heavy Electrical Limited, Ranipet requires Artisans.
  7. Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited requires Executives/Supervisors.
  8. Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur invites applications for various posts.
  9. Food Corporation of India, South Zone requires Assistant Grade-II (Hindi) and Hindi Typists.
  10. United Bank of India invites applications for various posts.

Fortune 500 BPO Openings for Graduates at Mumbai & Pune

Fortune 500 BPO Openings for Graduates at Mumbai & Pune


Industry : BPO/ITES

Job Description :

An inbound-outbound telecom voice process which requires one to interact with the customers of UK & Australia and handle their tech & non-tech related queries like billing, customer care, upselling, retention etc.
Keywords: mumbai, bpo, cce, malad, andheri, customer care executive, csa, sr.csa, jobs in mumbai, jobs in pune, pune, job, international bpo, international, uk process, australia process, bpo, call centre, ites, tech support, non – tech support, voice process

Experience: 0-5 yrs

Qualification: UG – Any Graduate – Any Specialization PG – Post Graduation Not Required

Location: Mumbai, pune

Company Details :

A fortune 500 MNC client of Lightwave Consultants with tremendous growth opportunities for employees and has one of the highest salary & rewards structure.

click here for more details

DHSE Result 2010 | DHSE First Year Improvement Result 2010

DHSE – First Year Improvement Exam – Sep 2010 Result wiil be Announced on 7 Nov 2010

Click Here To DHSE – First Year Improvement Exam – Sep 2010 Result

The following candidates, who applied for First Year Higher Secondary Examination, September2010,
but whose details were not uploaded through dhse web portal, are permitted to appear for the first year higher
secondary improvement examination, September 2010 for the subjects shown against their name.

SOL Delhi B.Com Part 3 Exam Result 2010

SOL Delhi B.Com Part 3 Exam Result 2010 | SOL Delhi B.A Part 3 Exam Result 2010 | School of Open Learning Delhi B.Com/B.A Part 3 Exam Result 2010 |

School of Open Learning Delhi Published The B.Com.(Pass) Part-3 and B.A. (Prog.) Part-3 Examination Result 2010

B.Com.(Pass) Part-3 Exam Result 2010

Click Here To B.Com. Old Course result 2010

B.A. (Prog.) Part-3 Exam Result 2010

Click Here To B.A. (Prog.) Part-3 (SOL)
Click Here To B.A. (Prog.) Part-3 (External Cell)

he School of Open Learning [a part of the Campus of Open Learning] formerly known as The School of Correspondence Courses and Continuing Education, established under the University of Delhi in 1962, is a pioneer Institution in the field of Distance Education in India.

The country witnessed the beginning of an alternate mode of education when the School started with a modest admission of 900 students in 1962. The School enrolled more than two lakhs students in the Academic Session 2006-2007. On many occasions our students have been toppers in various disciplines. The admission process for various courses in the School is governed by the norms established by the University of Delhi. The examination is also conducted by the University of Delhi. The University of Delhi confers the degree to the students of the School as it does in the case of its other constituent colleges. There is no differentiation in the course curriculum followed by the School of Open Learning and other constituent colleges and Departments of the University of Delhi. In an effort to cater to the needs of a growing number of students the School established the South Study Centre at Moti Bagh from the academic session 1990-91. In an effort to reach out to a larger number of students the school is in the process of opening up Study Centre in the Eastern and the Western part of the National Capital Region of Delhi. Deli

"UNION BANK OF INDIA" : 1165 Vacancies : Openings for Probationary Officers : Last Date - 22 Nov 2010 @ All India

Union Bank of India (
(A Government of India Undertaking)
Union Bank of India, a Leading Listed Public Sector Bank with Head Office in Mumbai and all India representation, invites online applications for recruitment to the following posts :
1. Dy. General Manager (Human Resource) : 01 post in Grade VI, Age : 35-50 years

2. Dy. General Manager (Corporae Communication) : 01 post in Grade VI, Age : 35-50 years

3. Chartered Accountants : 28 posts in Grade III, Age : 21-40 years

4. Chartered Accountants : 22 posts in Grade II, Age : 21-35 years

5. Civil Engineer : 05 posts in Grade II, Age : 21-35 years

6. Architect : 04 posts in Grade II, Age : 21-35 years
7. Electrical Engineer : 04 posts in Grade II, Age : 21-35 years

8. Manager (Informaion Technology) : 40 posts in Grade II, Age : 21-35 years

9. Manager (Technical) : 27 posts in Grade II, Age : 21-35 years

10. Manager (Forex) : 34 posts in Grade II, Age : 21-35 years
11. Security Officer : 16 posts in Grade II, Age : 21-35 years

12. Manager (Risk) : 15 posts in Grade II, Age : 21-35 years

13. Personnel Officer : 20 posts in Grade I, Age : 21-30 years

14. Probationary Officer (PO) : 1165 posts in Grade I, Age : 21-30 years

15. Assistant Manager (Marketing) : 289 posts in Grade I, Age : 21-30 years

16. Assistant Manager (Rural Development) : 250 posts in Grade I, Age : 21-30 years

17. Fire Officer : 01 post in Grade I, Age : 21-30 years

Fee : Rs.300/- (No fee for SC/ST/PH candidates) to be deposited in any Union Bank of India branch in India in cash by with the Application Fee Challan. Keep counterfoil copy with your self in safe custody.

Procedure to Apply :
Apply Online at Union Bank of India website between 02/11/2010 and 22/11/2010.

After registration, take a printout of the registration slip and keep it safe with yourself and do not send any copy or form to bank.

How to Apply for this Job ?

Software Engineer/Developers Direct Walk in interview at Infobrain Technologies

Software Engineer/Developers Direct Walk in interview at Infobrain Technologies

Company name: Infobrain Technologies Pvt. Ltd

Industry : IT-Software/ Software Services

Job Description :

Should have completed course or should have working knowledge in Java, J2EE, Struts, Hibernate and springs.
Should have good communication skills.
Keywords: Software Engineer, Struts, Hibernate, Developer

Experience: 0-2 yrs

Qualification: UG – B.Tech/B.E. – Computers, Electronics/Telecomunication PG – M.Sc – Computers,M.Tech – Computers, Electronics/Telecomunication,MCA – Computers

Location: Hyderabad/Secunderabad

Company Details :

INFOBRAIN is a high-end Information Technology Services Company having head office at California and Global Development Centre at Hyderabad operating with good Work Culture.

click here for more details

Software Engineers Trainee 2010/ 11 Passout Drive at Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad

Company name: Offshore Web Development Company

Industry : IT-Software/ Software Services

Job Description : Candidate should be B.E/ B.Tech (IT / CS) &
M.E / M.Tech (IT / CS) – 2010 passed out candidates. BCA/ MCA – 2010/ 11 passed
out candidates. Should have a minimum of 60% marks (or equivalent scores)
through out with strong & relevant software skills.

Experience : 0 – 1 Years

Qualification: UG – B.Tech/B.E. – Any Specialization,BCA -
Computers PG – M.Sc – Computers,M.Tech – Computers,

Location: Bengaluru/Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad /

Company Profile : An Offshore Web Design and Development
Company based in US. It is fast emerging as one of the most reliable web
solution partner for many organizations.

Contact Details :

Company Name:Offshore Web Development Company


Address:Not Mentioned

Telephone:Not Mentioned

Reference ID:FR-01

click here for More Details

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