Job or Vacancy Description:
Application are invited from male/ female Indian citizens for appointment of Assistant Sub Inspector (Stenographer), Head Constable (Ministerial) and Constable(Daftry) in Border Security Force, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India
1. Sub Inspector (Stenographer) : 123 Posts
Pay Scale : Rs.5200 – 20200 with grade pay Rs.2800/- in Pay Band-1
Qualification : Senior Secondary School Certificate (10+2) examination or Intermediate Or equivalent examination of a Recognized Board of Education or University OR Matriculation with three years ‘Diploma in Secretarial Practice or modern office practice or Commercial practice from a recognized Board of Technical education.
2. Head Constable (Ministerial) : 326 Posts
Pay Scale : Rs.5200 – 20200 with grade pay Rs.2400/- in Pay Band-1
Qualification :Same as above Post
3. Constable(Daftry) : 19 Posts
Pay Scale : Rs.5200 – 20200 with grade pay Rs.2000/- in Pay Band-1
Qualification :Matriculation or equivalent from a recognized Board or Institution
Age Limit :: 18-25 Years (Relaxable as per rules)
General Instructions:
(a) The application form (Annexure-I) must be filled by the candidate in his own handwriting/ typewritten. Correction, if any should be legible and attested by the candidate.
(c) Candidates applying for the post of ASI(Steno), HC(Ministerial) and Constable(Daftry) will have to fill up separate form for each post.
(d) Candidate serving in Government/ Semi Government/ Public Sector undertakings should apply through proper channel alongwith No objection
certificate from their employer. Same is also required to be submitted at the time of Documentation (checking of documents).
(e) BSF Departmental candidates will also submit a Service Certificate of qualifying service in present rank & Disc-Vigilance clearance certificate.
(f) All eligible candidates who apply in response to this advertisement before the closing date will be assigned Registration/ Roll numbers. They will be communicated through call letter for appearing in written examination.
(g) Incomplete applications or without signature/ NOC & seal of H.O.O.(in case of serving candidates), are liable to be rejected summarily.
(h) The decision of the selection board with regard to the matters connected withthis recruitment will be final in all respects.
(j) The appointment will be subject to the conditions that the candidates are medically as well as physically Fit. The selected candidates will have to undergo Basic Training at any of the Training Institutions of BSF. The services of those candidates who fail to complete the training successfully are liable to be terminated.
(k) Government strives to have a work force which reflects gender balance and women candidates are encouraged to apply.
(l) Women candidates are exempted from payment of examination fees.
(m) Selected candidates are liable to be governed by BSF Act and Rules.
(n) Selected candidates shall be liable to serve any where in India or out side
(o) Specimen of the application can also be downloaded from BSF websitewww.
Tentative Last Date:23-05-2011
About the organization:
Till 1965 India’s borders with Pakistan were manned by the State Armed Police Battallion. Pakistan attacked Sardar Post, Chhar Bet and Beria Bet on 9 April, 1965 in Kutch. This exposed the inadequacy of the State Armed Police to cope with armed aggression due to which the Government of India felt the need for a specialized centrally controlled Border Security Force, which would be armed and trained to man the International Border with Pakistan. As a result of the recommendations of the Committee of Secretaries, the Border Security Force came into existence on 01 Dec 1965, and Shri K F Rustamji was the first chief and founding father. Promote a sense of security among the people living in the border areas. Prevent trans border crimes, unauthorized entry into or exit from the territory of India. Prevent smuggling and any other illegal activity. In the last few years the BSF has, in addition to their duties, been deployed for counter insurgency and internal security duties Holding ground in less threatened sectors. Protection of vital installations. Assistance in control of refugees. Anti-infiltration duties in specified areas. The BSF, in its 41 years of existence, has emerged as an elite force of the country having excelled with distinction in the 1971 war with Pakistan. Its ethos is “Any task, any time, any where” and the BSF has given blood and sweat to execute its motto “Duty Unto Death”. The concept of border fencing, flood lighting and construction of roads has been introduced with the aim to stop infiltration/exfiltration on the Western and Eastern borders. The BSF contributes every year a number of personnel for services for UN Mission in Kosovo and Bosnia. During the Kargil conflict in May-July 1999, the BSF remained on the heights of the mountains and defended the integrity of the country with all the might at its command in unison with the Army. BSF personnel have been performing Internal Security Duty in Manipur for the last two years and have been successfully fighting insurgency in those areas.During the earthquake in Gujarat on 26th January 2001, the BSF was the first to reach out to help the distressed people. During the communal disturbances in Gujarat recently, BSF personnel went all out to restore amity and brotherhood among the people. The BSF took over the erection of the border fencing in Jammu & Kashmir and it was successful in its task despite all attempts of Pakistan to scuttle our efforts. The BSF has been defending the borders along with the army and checking infiltration on the borders during the current standoff with Pakistan.On my assuming the office of DG BSF, I convey my Best Wishes to all the members of the Force and their families. I feel glad coming back to my old organization. I feel proud, privileged and grateful that I have been chosen to serve with you at the top, with a surging satisfaction that, at the pinnacle of my career, I am going to serve in the largest Paramilitary Force in the world. I return to you older, but with more experience, and without loss of valour, with better wisdom to accomplish our chief mission without any diminishment of initiative, and stronger determination to contribute to our better development in the coming days.
The BSF was born, out of crisis – in response to a hostile attack on our border. In that sense it is a child of crisis. However, since then, it has grown to become a frontline crisis manager. The price of the freedom of our countrymen has been high, sometimes, very high, and you from the BSF have paid it- with your toils, sweat and blood, and your bereaved families have paid it with tears ? for the last forty-four years. In addition to being a veteran of border security, the BSF is a frontline Counter-Insurgency Force, and has contributed to taming virulent insurgencies in different parts of India. Today, the chief business of the BSF is Border Security and Counter-Insurgency and my chief business as your chief is to make you the best in this in the world. I look forward to all senior officers in functional and administrative positions to always be tender in welfare matters, and firm in operational matters. While there is no room for malingerers and cowards in the BSF, room must always be made available for our overworked, overstressed and under-recognized performers. I expect all senior officers in administrative and functional positions to ensure that they respond with equal promptitude to welfare-oriented requests/suggestions from all their subordinates-senior and junior officers, without distinction. It is the least that we can do to ensure that we continue to remain a successful family. We live in the age of technology. As technology becomes more common, criminals and elements hostile to our country use it to further their ends faster. We must incorporate technology at a rate faster than the enemies of public order do. This is a minimal organizational imperative. I request senior officers to come up with plans for the continuous incorporation of the latest technology and developments into our Force in a strategic and tactical manner. Although I am a philosophical man, the realities of life as a law enforcement professional for 36 years have made me a practical leader: I refuse to believe in an ill fate that would fall on us, no matter what we did; I believe in a fate that would befall us, if we did nothing !
Address :
Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs
Directorate General Border Security Force
(Pers Dte: Recruitment Section)
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