General Instructions for filling in the PTET 2010 OMR Application Form:
1. Candidates are required to fill up the OMR Application sheet using Black Ball Pen or sharp HB Pencil according to the instructions given on the sheet. Please read these carefully before filling up the sheet. The instructions-how to fill the OMR sheet, provided in the booklet, should also be studied before filling up the sheet. The filled up sheet should be placed in the envelope provided and sent alongwith the required documents.
2. The prescribed code numbers for Subjects to be filled by the candidates are provided in this booklet. Consult the Code list carefully before filling up the OMR Application Sheet.
3. The candidates should invariably send the Admission letter card supplied as a part of the OMR Application Form, givingfull Postal address at the space provided for the same to enable this office to dispatch Admission letters to them.

4. Candidates should carefully note that the fee for the test is included in the cost of Form. No additional amount is to be paid at the time of submission of OMR Application Form at Forwarding Centre. The candidates desirous to apply ONLINE should follow the process available on the Web-site of the PTET.
5. The candidates should affix postage stamps worth Rs.5/- on the window envelope (size 9″x4″) supplied with the OMR application form for dispatch of Admission letter to them.
6. The OMR Application Form shall not be entertained if:
(i) Received after the last date.
(ii) It is not accompanied by the following:
(a) Duly filled in OMR sheet and a both side visible photocopy of it / Printed two copies of ON-LINE submitted form.
(b) Duly filled Admission Card attached with the main OMR Application Form
(c) Photostat copies of the marks-sheets of passing the Secondary, Sr. Secondary and qualifying examination for all the years dully attested by a Gazetted Officer under his seal.
(d) Certificate(s) from competent authorities in proof of reserved category.
(e) Photocopy of the receipt of payment of Rs.400/- for purchase of Form including Fee of the test.
(iii) Application Form incomplete in any respect.
7. Admission Card will be sent to the candidate by post. In case of non-delivery or delay in delivery on the part of post the same may be downloaded from the website. Duplicate admission card may be obtained from the Centre Superintendent of the allotted Centre.
8. Rescanning of the answer-sheets for Pre-Teacher Education Test can be done on submission of application on plain paper mentioning his/her name, father’s name, address and Roll number along with self-addressed envelope affixing stamp of Rs. 5/-, mentioning Roll Number on the Top of Envelope and with a Bank Draft of Rs.150/- in favour of Coordinator, PTET-2010 as fee within 10 days of the date of declaration of result on Website. No application shall be entertained if received after due date irrespective of any reason or without mentioning Name, Father’s name, Address and Roll number.
9. The answer sheets of the test shall not be subject to production before any Court (Civil or Criminal) or before the candidate or any body else on his/her behalf or before an internal or external authority.

10. The Jurisdiction of all court Cases will be at Jodhpur only. The responsibility of giving admission to students for B.Ed. in all the Teacher Training Colleges of Rajasthan for the Session 2010-11 is of the Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur only. As such Court cases for admissions against the Principals of T.T. Colleges will not be acceptable to this University. Such admission, if any, given by the Principal will not be accepted.