Advt. Ref.No. TRC/FO(B738 & OTH)#2/2010: Dt.21.07.10
NACIL invites applications for the post of TYPE RATED CAPTAINS & TYPE RATED FIRST OFFICERS from B737-800 NG and OTHER BOEING CLASS COCKPIT AIRCRAFT Type Rated experienced Captains & First Officers who are willing to convert on B777 aircraft. Pilots should be Indian Citizens (wherever domiciled) belonging to the General/ Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe and Other Backward Class Community, fulfilling the following requirements to fill up the existing vacancies for NACIL-A on Contractual Employment for 5 years. (Could be considered for permanent employment depending upon Company requirement any time in future) in the following two categories:

A) Type Rated Experienced Captains & Experienced First Officers on B737-800 NG Aircraft.
B) Type Rated Experienced Captains & Experienced First Officers on Any Other Boeing Glass Cockpit Type Aircraft.
Post :1. Captains: 40 ( Inclusive of both categories)
(GEN: 21 SC: 6 ST: 3 OBC: 10)
Post : 2. First Officers: 40 (Inclusive of both categories)
(GEN: 21 SC: 6 ST: 3 OBC: 10)
Candidates must possess following technical qualifications at the time of application: Captains (Both Categories):-
i. ATPL:- Issued by Director General of Civil Aviation, Govt of India (which should be current at the time of application.)
ii. Endorsement on B737-800 NG Aircraft Or on ANY OTHER BOEING GLASS COCKPIT AIRCRAFT (need not be current) at the time of application.
iii. Instrument Rating endorsement on ATPL (which need not be current) at the time of application.
iv. FRTO Licence:- Issued by DGCA , Govt of India (which should be valid and current at the time of application)
v. RTR(P)/RTR(C)/RTR Licence:- Issued by Ministry of Communication, WPC Wing, Govt. of India (which should be valid and current at the time of application).
First Officers (Both Categories):-
i. CPL:- Issued by Director General of Civil Aviation, Govt of India (which should be current at the time of application.) Preference will be given to candidates having ALTP.
ii. Endorsement on B737-800 NG Aircraft Or on ANY OTHER BOEING GLASS COCKPIT AIRCRAFT (need not be current) at the time of application.
iii. Instrument Rating endorsement on ATPL (which need not be current) at the time of application.
iv. FRTO Licence:- Issued by DGCA , Govt of India (which should be valid and current at the time of application)
v. RTR(P)/RTR(C)/RTR Licence:- Issued by Ministry of Communication, WPC Wing, Govt. of India (which should be valid and current at the time of application.).
For Captains: Total 2000 hrs (minimum) Airline jet experience of which minimum 1000 Hrs as PIC on B737-800 NG AIRCRAFT or on ANY BOEING GLASS COCKPIT AIRCRAFT.
Note: Preference will be given to candidates having more than 1000 hrs as PIC.
For First Officers: Total 1000 hrs (minimum) Airline Jet experience of which a minimum of 500 hrs on B737-800 NG AIRCRAFT or on ANY BOEING GLASS COCKPIT AIRCRAFT.
Note: Preference will be given to candidates having more than 500 hrs as FO on 737- 800 NG AIRCRAFT or on ANY BOEING GLASS COCKPIT AIRCRAFT.
Class- I Medical Fitness Certificate by DGCA, Govt. of India (which should be valid and current at the time of application. (Candidates must have done their last Medical / Renewal within preceding 6 months.)
Minimum height requirement is 152.5 cms.(Candidates are required to produce a certificate from a certified Medical Practitioner (Doctor) to this effect.)
AGE LIMIT: (As on 01.08.2010)
1. Captains: 53 Years (for all categories)
2. First Officers:
1. Holding CPL :- (Gen – 40 Yrs; OBC – 43 yrs; SC/ST – 45 yrs.)
2. Holding ALTP :- (Gen – 45 Yrs; OBC – 48 yrs; SC/ST – 50 yrs.)
(Ex-Servicemen will be given age relaxation as per Govt. rules.)

• Selection Procedure consists of the following:
a) Personal Interview
b) Simulator Flight Proficiency Test
• Eligible candidates will be required to appear for Walk-In Interviews and Simulator Flight Proficiency Test (all at Mumbai) at candidate’s own expenses.
• Candidates short-listed after personal interview will be required to undergo Simulator Flight Proficiency Test.
1. GEN & OBC candidates ( Both Captains & First Officers) will have to pay Rs.30,000/- (Non Refundable) towards the cost of Simulator Check.
2. The above amount should be paid in the form of Demand Draft/Postal Order drawn in favor of Air-India Payable at Mumbai, prior to the Simulator Assessment Check. (SC / ST candidates will be exempted from payment of cost of Simulator Check.)
• The selection process will tentatively begin from (the 1st week of August 2010) scheduled every month and shall be open for a period of 6 months or till the advertised number of vacancies are filled up in each category whichever is earlier subject to Company requirement.
• Applications received by 15th of every month, shall be processed for Interviews at the earliest, preferably in that month itself. Accordingly depending upon the no. of applications received, a schedule of Selection shall be drawn up and Candidates will be informed in advance about the same.
• The offers will be made to the short listed candidates on completion of each month’s selection process.
• Successful candidates on joining under Captains Category will be initially appointed as TRAINEE CAPTAIN in the Company. Subsequently, on successful completion of inhouse / conversion training on B777, checks etc. as per company syllabus and on being released as P1 on line on B777 aircraft in the fleet of NACIL(A), they will be appointed as CAPTAIN.
• Successful candidates on joining under First Officers Category will be initially appointed as TRAINEE CO-PILOT in the Company. Subsequently, on successful completion of in-house conversion training on B777, checks etc. as per company syllabus and on being released as P2 on line on B777 aircraft in the fleet of NACIL(A), they will be appointed as CO-PILOT.
• On appointment as TRAINEE CAPTAINS in NACIL(A) whilst under conversion training you will be initially paid an approximate monthly total gross emoluments of Rs. 2,50,000/-. After successful completion of B777 conversion training and release on line thereto as P1, you will be offered the pay and emoluments AS PER EXIXTING B777 INDIAN CONTRACT COMMANDERS.
• On appointment as TRAINEE CO-PILOTS in NACIL(A) whilst under conversion training you will be initially paid an approximate monthly total emoluments ofRs. 1,50,000/-. After successful completion of B777 conversion training and release on line thereto as P2, you will be offered the pay and emoluments AS PER EXIXTING B777 INDIAN CONTRACT CO-PILOTS.
• Pilots selected under both categories (Captains & Co-Pilots) on appointment will have to undergo training for conversion on Boeing 777 aircraft.
• The actual cost of training will be deducted from the salary of the candidates in 60 installments spread over 5 Years.
• Both Category Pilots will be required to submit 10 post dated Cheques of Rs.25 lakhs each dated six months apart as security towards the cost of training. This will be encashed in case the candidate does not complete a service of 5 years in NACIL(A).
• Pilots selected under both categories (Captains & Co-Pilots) on joining the Company, will have to execute an agreement before converting on to Boeing 777 aircraft in the fleet of NACIL(A).
• Both category candidates on appointment as CAPTAINS/CO-PILOTS will have to execute an Agreement/Surety bond to satisfactorily complete the training and serve NACIL(A) for a period of at least 5 years.
• They will also have to execute a Performance Bond on completion of each subsequent training/endorsement if any, depending upon the training status (as decided by NACIL(A) which will be part of the agreement to be executed at the time of joining.
SC/ST candidates (not employed in Public sector Undertaking / Govt. Dept. etc.) called for written test/ interview will be reimbursed 2nd class to and fro rail fare by the shortest route as admissible under the Rules on production of tickets from their registered address.

a) Reservation and Relaxation for SC/ST/OBC candidates will be made as per Govt. of India rules.
b) SC/ST/OBC candidates must submit proof (attested copy of cast certificate) in support of their claim that they belong to SC/ST/OBC.
c) Scheduled Castes candidates who were originally professing Hindu religion and have embraced Neo Buddhism will also be considered for appointment against posts reserved for Scheduled Caste.
d) SC & ST candidates must submit Validity Certificate (attested copy) issued by the State Competent Authority, wherever applicable.
e) Candidates belonging to OBC category must submit a copy of the parents Income Certificate for the current financial year in format as prescribed by Govt. of India and the same should be issued by the competent authority on or before the Crucial Date. The certificate, inter alia, must specifically state that the candidate does not belong to socially advanced sections excluded from the benefits of reservations for OBC in Civil posts and services, under the Govt. of India. His/Her caste should be reflected in the Central List of OBCs. The certificate should also contain the Clause pertaining to his/her creamy layer status.
f) Candidates already in service of Government/ Quasi-Government organizations, Public Sector Undertakings should apply through proper channel.
g) Candidates employed in Govt./Semi Govt./Public sector Undertakings must submit ‘No Objection Certificate’ from their employer.
h) Candidates must ensure that they fulfill all the eligibility conditions and prescribed criteria as enumerated in Para. 2 above and the particulars furnished by them in the application are correct in all respect.
i) Candidates must note that, if any of these shortcomings is/are detected even after the appointment, his/her services are liable to be terminated.
j) Application once made will not be allowed to be withdrawn and the fee once paid will not be refunded on any account.
k) Any canvassing by or on behalf of the candidates or other outside influence with regard to their selection/recruitment shall be considered as a DISQUALIFICATION.
l) Compliance with all applicable DGCA Rules is mandatory.
m) Court jurisdiction will be Mumbai in case of any disputes.
• Candidates meeting the above requirements should submit their typed applications in the prescribed format. Applications forms can also be downloaded from website
• Applications completed in all respect along with the necessary enclosures and accompanied with 2 recent passport size photographs (1 fixed on the format in the space provided) should be forwarded to Executive Director- Operations, 2ND Floor, Operations Department, Air India, Old Airport, Kalina, Santa Cruz (East), Mumbai-400 029.
• Applications can also be submitted in the prescribed format along with the scanned copies of enclosures by E-mail to
• GEN and OBC candidates should submit a non-refundable fee of Rs. 2500/- in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favor of Air-India, Mumbai payable at Mumbai along with their application. (SC/ST candidates are exempted from payment of this fee.)
This advertisement shall remain open for a period of approx. 6 months. The last date of acceptance of application is 31th January 2011. Since this is an ongoing Selection process, applications received on or before the 15th day of the respective month will be taken up for selection at the earliest preferably in that particular month itself. Applications that are received after 15th day of that particular month shall be taken up for the selection in the subsequent month.

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