i) that success in the examination confers no right to appointment unless the
appointing authority is satisfied after such enquiry as may be considered necessary
that the candidate having regard to his / her character and antecedents are suitable
in all respects for appointment to the services.
ii) that the candidates are found physically fit for the post.
iii) That the candidates should produce such other original certificates as may be
required in accordance with the rules.
Click Here To Group-II Services Selected Candidate List
1. The candidates whose Reg.Nos. are placed under with-held list above, are directed to produce certified Xerox copies of all essential certificates in Commission’s Office by post or in person to reach on or before 22/05/2010 during office hours. They are informed to logon to Commission’s website (www.apspsc.gov.in) for further details.
2. The selections of candidates belonging to BC-E group will be subject to adjudication of the litigations pending before Hon’ble Courts and subject to amendment of A.P. State and Subordinate Service Rules.
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