Applications are invited upto 5.45 p.m. on 28-01-2011 for direct recruitment to the vacancies in the
Name of the Post Service
- Deputy Collector ( 33 Posts )
- Deputy Collector (SC/ST) ( 23 Posts )
- Deputy Superintendent of Police ( 29 Posts )
- Assistant Commissioner ( 28 Posts )
- District Registrar ( 07 Posts )
- Assistant Director of Rural Development Department ( 10 Posts )
- Divisional Officer in the Fire and Rescue Services Department ( 01 Posts )
A Date of Notification 29-12-2010 -
B Last date for receipt of applications 28-01-2011 5.45 P.M.
C Date of Preliminary Examination 22-05-2011 10.00 A.M. – 1.00 P.M.
SCALE OF PAY:- Rs.15600-39100 +Grade Pay - Rs. 5400 (PB3)
a) The rule of reservation of appointments is applicable to each post separately and
distribution of the vacancies will be as per the rule in force, except to the backlog
vacancies in the post of Deputy Collector.
b) In G.O. Ms. No.145, Personnel and Administrative Reforms (S) Department, dated
30.09.2010, the Government have issued orders to fill up 20% of all vacancies in direct
recruitment on preferential basis to persons studied in Tamil Medium. Clarification in this
regard is awaited from the Government. Hence, distribution of vacancies is not
c) Candidates who claim reservation with reference to orders issued in the above G.O.
should enclose evidence in support of their claim. Applications submitted without
evidence for “PSTM” (PSTM Persons Studied in Tamil Medium) will not be considered
for the above said reservation.
d) The number of vacancies advertised is only approximate and is liable to modification
with reference to vacancy position at any time before finalization of selection to Main
Written Examination.
e) Certificate of Physical Fitness: Candidates selected for appointment to the posts of
Deputy Collector, Assistant Commissioner and Assistant Director of Rural Development
Department, will be required to produce a Certificate of Physical Fitness in the form
prescribed for “Executive Posts". The Certificate of Physical Fitness for the Post of
District Registrar is in the form prescribed for ‘Posts other than Executive and
Ministerial’. The standard of vision prescribed for all the above said posts is Standard -III
or better. Candidates with defective vision should produce eye fitness certificate from
qualified eye specialist.
f) The Differently Abled persons should produce along with the application a copy of
certificate of physical fitness specifying the nature of physical handicap and the degree
of disability based on the norms laid down, from the Medical Officer concerned in the
relevant speciality to the effect that his/her handicap will not render him/her incapable of
efficiently discharging the duties attached to the post to which he/she is applying.
However, he/she should produce the physical fitness certificate obtained from the
Medical Board before appointment.
g) Even after filling up of the posts reserved for SC (Arunthathiyars) on preferential basis, if
more number of qualified Arunthathiyars are available, they shall be entitled to compete
with the Scheduled Castes other than Arunthathiyars in the inter-se-merit among them
and if any posts reserved for Arunthathiyars remain unfilled for want of adequate number
of qualified candidates, it shall be filled up by Scheduled Castes other than
h) Reservation of appointments to Destitute Widows and Ex-Servicemen will not apply to
this recruitment.
i) If no qualified and suitable female candidates are available for selection against the
vacancies reserved for Women those vacancies will be filled by male candidates
belonging to the respective communal categories.
j) Any claim relating to the selection (not related to candidature or/and claims made in the
application) should be received within 90 days from the date of announcement of results.
Claims received thereafter will receive no attention.
(A) AGE (as on 01.07.2010):
(i) MINIMUM AGE LIMIT – Should have completed 21 years (for all candidates)
(i.e. should have been born on or before 01.07. 1989 )
(ii) MAXIMUM AGE LIMIT – Should not have completed -
(a) 35 years for SCs, SC(A)s, STs, MBCs/DCs, BC(OBCM)s, BCMs, and Destitute
Widows of all castes.
(b) 30 years for candidates not belonging to any of the above said categories.
(iii) For the post of Assistant Commissioner in TN Commercial Taxes Service:
(Post Code: 1003)
For candidates possessing B.L. Degree of any University or Institution recognised by
the University Grants Commission - must be below 36 years in the case of SCs,
SC(A)s, STs, MBCs/DCs, BC(OBCM)s, BCMs and Destitute Widows of all castes and
31 years in the case of candidates not belonging to any of the above said categories.
Age relaxation of 5 years in the maximum age limit will be applicable to persons
affected by the ban order as per the orders issued by the Government.
(Hence, candidates pertaining to (a) and (b) above should have been born on or
after 02.07.1970 and 02.07.1975 respectively).
(i) 'Others’ [i.e candidates not belonging to SCs, SC(A)s STs, MBCs/DCs, BC(OBCM)s
and BCMs] who have put in five years of service in the State/Central Government are
not eligible to apply even if they are within the age limit.
(ii) The Technical and Non-technical staff, who are working in TANSI, facing
retrenchment and have not been absorbed in the Government
Corporations/Undertakings (evidence to be produced) may also apply, if they satisfy
all the prescribed qualifications, except age. The relevant age rule will be relaxed by
the Government in their favour, if they come up for selection.
(iii) Emergency Commissioned Officers may also apply for the post of Deputy
Superintendent of Police (Category-I) even if they do not satisfy the age-limit
prescribed. The case of each such applicant will be considered on merit and the
question of relaxing the rule relating to age-limit will be considered by the
Government, if he is selected.
[Paragraph 4 of the 'Instructions, etc., to candidates' will not apply to this recruitment]
Candidate should possess a Degree of any of the Universities incorporated by an Act of the
Central or State Legislature in India or any other educational institutions established by an
Act of Parliament or declared to be deemed as a University under section 3 of the
University Grants Commission Act, 1956.
(i) The qualification prescribed above should have been obtained by passing the required
degree course in the order of studies 10th, HSC, Bachelor’s degree.
(ii) Persons claiming equivalence of qualification should enclose evidence for such claim
failing which their application will be summarily rejected.
(iii)The Candidates who have written the final year degree examination may also apply to
the Preliminary Examination for direct recruitment to the posts included in Group-I
Services, subject to the condition that they should produce proof of having passed the
degree examination when admitted to the Main Written Examination failing which they
will not be admitted to the Main Written Examination.
(iv) The Candidates who have passed the final professional M.B.B.S or any other Medical
Examination but have not completed the internship may also apply to the Preliminary
Examination for direct recruitment to the posts included in Group-I Services provided
they should submit along with their applications a copy of Certificate from the concerned
authority of the University/Institution that they had passed the requisite final professional
Medical examination. In such cases, the candidates will be required to produce at the
time of their Interview, original degree or a Certificate from the concerned competent
authority of the University/ Institution that they had completed all requirements
(including completion of internship) for the award of the Degree.
(v) Candidates specified in Note (iii) and (iv) above, should furnish a Self Certificate also in
a separate sheet, as specified below, together with the other enclosures, failing which
their applications will be rejected.
Self Certificate
I do hereby certify that I have Written the final year (Name of the degree Examination)
during (Month and year ) and will be possessing the degree on or before the last date for
receipt of supplemental application for Main Written Examination. / I do hereby certify that I
have passed final Professional M.B. B.S. (or the name of any other Medical Examination to
be mentioned) and will be completing internship before the date of Oral Test.
Signature of the candidate
OMR Application No.
Provided that, other things being equal, preference will be given to the candidates who
possess the qualification mentioned against each of the following posts:-
Name of Post Qualification
1 Deputy Superintendent
of Police (Category –1)
A Degree or Diploma in Criminology and Forensic Science and
also to those who possess National Award for Physical
2 Assistant Commissioner First preference - A Degree both in Commerce and Law
together with a Diploma in Taxation Laws.
Second Preference - A Degree both in Commerce and Law.
Third Preference - A Degree either in Commerce or Law
together with a Diploma in Taxation Laws.
Fourth Preference - A Degree either in Commerce or Law.
3 Assistant Director in
Rural Development
(i) Post Graduate Degree in Rural Service of the Gandhigram
Rural Institute, Madurai District.
(ii) P.G. Degree or Diploma in Extension.
(iii) P.G. Degree or Diploma in Sociology.
[Candidates to be admitted to the Main Written Examination will be required to produce evidence
relating to preferential qualifications, if any, possessed by them.]
(i) Deputy
Superintendent of
Police (Category –
i) For Men: Must be not less than 165 cms in Height and not less
than 86 cms round the chest on full inspiration and must have a
chest expansion of not less than 5 cms on full inspiration.
ii) For Women: Must be not less than 155 cms in Height. The Chest
measurement will not apply to them.
(ii) Divisional Officer
in the Fire and
Rescue Services.
i) For Men: Must be not less than 165 cms in Height, 50 kgs in
Weight and not less than 89 cms round the chest on full
inspiration and 84 cms (normal) with not less than 5 cms
expansion on full inspiration.
ii) For Women: Must be not less than 155 cms in Height. The
Chest measurement and 50kg in weight will not apply to them.
(i) An applicant selected for appointment to the posts of Deputy Superintendent of Police
(Category-I) and Divisional Officer in Fire and Rescue Services must satisfy the Medical
Board in Tamil Nadu as to his/her physique, fitness and capacity for active outdoor work
and must be certified by the Superintendent of Government Opthalmic Hospital, Chennai
that his/her vision comes upto the requirements prescribed in the rules without the use of
contact glasses.
(ii) An applicant selected for appointment to the post of Deputy Collector must satisfy the
Medical Board in Tamil Nadu as to his/her physique, fitness and capacity for active
outdoor work.
The selection will be made in three successive stages, viz (i) Preliminary Examination for
selection of candidates for admission to the Main Written Examination and (ii) Main Written
Examination followed by (iii) an Oral Test in the shape of an Interview.
The Preliminary Examination is meant to serve as a screening test only. The marks obtained in
the Preliminary Examination by the candidates who are declared qualified for admission to the
Main Written Examination will not be counted for determining their final order of merit. The
number of candidates to be admitted to the Main Written Examination will be 20 times the
number of candidates to be recruited having regard to the rule of reservation of appointments.
However, in each reservation group all the candidates, who secure the same marks as that of
the cut off marks of the reservation groups will also be admitted to the Main Written
Examination, though the number of candidates to be admitted to the Main Written Examination
may exceed 1:20 ratio. (For further details please refer paragraph 22(b) of the ‘Instructions,
etc. to candidates’).
(a) Scheme of Preliminary Examination :
The Preliminary Examination will be in Single Paper of objective type in the Subject
“General Knowledge” (Degree Standard)of 3 Hours duration having 200 questions,
with a maximum of 300 marks.
The question paper will be set both in Tamil and English. The syllabi for the Preliminary
Examination and the Main Written Examination have been published at page 490 in the
TNPSC Bulletin, dated 01.08.2004. The syllabi are also available at the Commission’s
Website: www.tnpsc.gov.in
(i) For Preliminary Examination Rs. 75/- (Rupees Seventy five only).
(ii) For Main Written Examination Rs. 125/- (Rupees One hundred and twenty five only).
a) OMR application form along with an Information Brochure, ‘Instructions, etc., to candidates'
and an envelope for sending application can be obtained from any one of the selected
POST OFFICES (285 Nos.) in Tamil Nadu (including - Alagappapuram -Sivaganga) /
Puducherry on payment of Rs. 30/-. (The list of Post Offices is available in the
Annexure-III of Information Brochure).
b) OMR application forms can also be obtained in person from the sales counter of the office
of the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission, No.1, Greams Road, Commercial Tax
Annexe Building, Chennai-600 006, on all the working days till the closing date upto 5.00
p.m. (excluding lunch interval between 1.30 to 2.00 p.m.) on cash payment of Rs.30/-.
Application forms will not be supplied to the candidates by Post.
c) Candidates should use only the OMR application form. No other typed or printed or
Xeroxed / Photocopy of the application form will be accepted and such application, if any
received, will be summarily rejected.
d) Candidates can also avail of the facility of applying Online on the Commission’s Website.
Candidates applying Online should possess and keep ready Postal Receipt for Rs.105/-
(i.e. Application fee Rs.30/- and Examination fee Rs. 75/-) and Candidates claiming fee
exemption should possess and keep ready Postal Receipt for Rs.30/- towards the
application fee before registering Online. The Postal Receipt obtained for the payment of
Application Fee/ Examination Fee should be pasted in the space provided in the application
form. Candidates applying Online should send the applications (i.e. The printout generated
from the website and signed by the candidate) with the Postal Receipt along with attested
copies of required Certificates so as to reach the Commission’s office on or before the last
date for receipt of applications, failing which his/her application will be rejected. The facility
of applying Online will be closed at 5.45.p.m on 25-01-2011. (for details please refer para
1 of the Commission’s ‘Instructions etc. to candidates’).
(A) Candidates are advised to verify the following aspects also before sending their filled in OMR
applications to the Commission’s office:
(i) Signature by the candidate in ball point pen or fountain pen only in the OMR application
below the declaration. Failure to sign will entail rejection of his/her application.
(ii) Columns 1, 1(a), 3, 4 and 24 in the OMR application form filled up based on the details
available in this Notification/ Advertisement.
(iii) Self Certificate, as specified in Note (v) under para 5 (B) with due signature (if
(B) Filled in applications must be sent to the Commission’s Office addressed to the
Controller of Examinations, Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission, Commercial
Taxes Annexe Building, No.1 Greams Road, Chennai – 600 006 well in advance so as
to reach before 5.45 p.m. on 28-01-2011.