State Bank of Patiala invites applications from sports persons (Table Tennis players) preferably who are National level players and are representing their\ respective states.
POST : Clerical Cadre
Age : 18-28 Years
Educational Qualifications : Should have passed 10+2 Examination or its equivalent.
Sports Qualification : Should have represented the State in National Event
The District in the State level with distinction
His University in Inter State University event with distinction
If he was a member of combined Universities team with distinction.
Note: preference will be given to those candidates who are National level players and are representing their respective states.
Scale of pay:
i) Basic Pay Rs.7200/- per mensem in the scale of Rs.7200-400/3-8400-500/3-
As applicable to Award Staff under various Rules/Awards/Settlements in force in Banks concerned from time to time.
Mode of selection:
Applications will be subjected to preliminary scrutiny to shortlist candidates on the basis of their performance, achievements as given in their applications/testimonials. Preference will be given to the candidates who are National Players and are currently representing their respective State. The candidates short listed will be called for the interview and selection will be made strictly on the basis of merit. Since the recruitment is for sportsmen category, maximum weightage will be given to the above factors as well as to the age of the candidate.
Applications should be sent in a cover super scribed “Application for appointment
under Sports” to reach the following address:
The Chief Manager
State Bank of Patiala
Personnel Administration Department,
Head Office,The Mall, Patiala 147001
Filled in applications should reach us on or before 31.01.2011
click here for Notification
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