B.Tech. PROGRAMMES 2010 Batch
To be advertised on December 13, 2009
Given below are the Details for Last Year
VITEEE Eligibility (Last Year Details):
- Candidates who are Resident Indian or Non Resident Indian whose date of birth falls on or after 1st July 1987 are eligible to apply for VITEEE. They should have studied in regular, full time formal education in their schooling.
- A pass in 10+2 or its equivalent with a minimum average of 60% of marks in Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics or Biology (PCM/PCB).
- A pass in 10+2 or its equivalent with 50% average marks in Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics or Biology (PCM/PCB) for
- Candidates belonging to SC/ST
- Students hailing from Jammu & Kashmir and from the North Eastern States of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizroram, Nagaland, Sikkim and Tripura.
- Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics (PCM) candidates are eligible for all the programmes.
- Physics, Chemistry & Biology (PCB) candidates are eligible only for B.Tech. Bioinformatics, Bio-Medical Engg. & Biotechnology programmes.
- Candidates appearing for the 10+2 examination in March/April 2009 are also eligible to apply.

Vellore Institute of Technology Admission Procedure:
Entrance Examination Centres :
Agartala, Agra, Ahmedabad, Ananthapur, Aurangabad, Bangalore, Bareilly, Bhagalpur, Bhilai, Bhopal, Bhubaneshwar, Bokaro, Chandigarh, Chennai, Coimbatore, Dehradun, Delhi, Dhanbad, Durgapur, Gangtok, Goa, Gurgaon, Guwahati, Gwalior, Hissar, Hyderabad, Indore, Itanagar, Jabalpur, Jaipur, Jalandhar, Jamshedpur, Jhansi, Jodhpur, Kanpur, Kochi, Kolkata, Kota, Lucknow, Ludhiana, Madurai, Mumbai, Nagpur, Nainital, Nellore, Noida, Patna, Puducherry, Pune, Raebareli, Raipur, Rajahmundry, Rajkot, Ranchi, Rourkela, Salem, Shimla, Silchar, Siliguri, Surat, Thiruvananthapuram, Tiruchirapalli, Tirunelveli, Udaipur, Varanasi, Vellore, Vijayawada, Visakhapatnam, Warangal
Issue of Applications will start on Monday, 14th December 2009:
The application form can be obtained
- From the designated branches of Post Offices on cash payment of Rs. 750/-. Details of branches from which applications will be sold is available in the VIT website: www.vit.ac.in
- By sending a Demand Draft for Rs. 750/- drawn in favour of “VIT University”, payable at Vellore, to the Admission Officer with a request letter containing the full address of the applicant. (or)
- By handing over a DD for Rs. 750/- in person at VIT University, Vellore (or) at our Chennai Administrative office.
- Publication of VITEEE results in leading websites.
- Call for counselling in batches and allotment of branches on the basis of the rank.
Contact Details :
Admissions Officer
VIT University
Vellore-632 014,
Tamil Nadu, India.
Phone: + 91-416-220 2125,
220 2157, 220 2168
Fax: +91-416-224 5544, 224 0411
Email : admission[at]vit.ac.in

B.Tech Programmes Offered: (Duration – 4 Years)
- Bioinformatics
- Bio-Medical Engineering
- Biotechnology
- Chemical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Computer Science & Engineering
- Electronics & Communication Engineering
- Electrical & Electronics Engineering
- Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering
- Information Technology
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mechanical & Energy Engineering
VITEEE 2010 Important Dates
- Date of Advertisement : December 13, 2009
- Date of Issuing the VITEEE 2010 Application Forms : December 14, 2009
- Last Date for Submitting the Forms : February 20, 2010
- VITEEE-2010 : April 17, 2010
- Commencement of Classes : July 1st week, 2010
To obtain the B.Tech. admission application form please send a DD for Rs.750/- (Rupees Seven Hundred and fifty only) in favour of "VIT University" payable at Vellore. The brochure and application form will be mailed you in the third week of December. The DD needs to be sent to
Admissions Officer
VIT University
Vellore-632 014,
Tamil Nadu, India.
Phone: + 91-416-220 2125,
220 2157, 220 2168
Fax: +91-416-224 5544, 224 0411
Email : admission[at]vit.ac.in